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United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

Carter Asks Execs to Find New Ways to Work With Service Members, Vets

As the nation's military adapts new strategies and personnel policies, Defense Secretary Ash Carter asked counties and communities across America to consider new ways to provide service to troops and veterans. Story

Fort Bragg Troops 'Tip of Spear' for New Strategic Era, Secretary Says

Defense Secretary Ash Carter thanked soldiers at Fort Bragg, N.C., for their service and said they will be a key part of the new strategic era the world is entering. Story

Carter Begins Travel to Idaho, North Carolina

Defense Secretary Ash Carter began a domestic trip that will take him to Idaho and North Carolina to talk with troops, local officials and private-sector industry leaders. Story

Travel Locations

Map of Carter's Trip Clickable map-pin for Idaho.



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About the Secretary

Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit Amet Consectetur Ash Carter is the 25th secretary of defense. He previously served as deputy defense secretary and as undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. Carter has received the Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal five times and the Defense Intelligence Medal. Biography

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