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June 2017
Travels with Jim Mattis, Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis traveled to Germany and Belgium to discuss security issues with key U.S. partners. While in Germany, Mattis spoke at the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies, highlighting the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. The secretary then traveled to Belgium for a NATO meeting with defense ministers in Brussels.

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Mattis Pleased With NATO Progress Deterring Russia, Combating Terror

During a news conference in Brussels, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said NATO defense ministers discussed threats to alliance nations from Russia and terrorist groups, and policies and capabilities needed to counter these threats. Story

NATO Pledges Continued Support for Afghanistan Mission

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at the conclusion of the Defense Ministerial in Brussels that the alliance will continue its support to Afghanistan through 2017 and beyond, and that more troops will join the Resolute Support Mission. Story

NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence Highlights Mattis Meeting With Polish Counterpart

During a meeting with the Polish defense minister in Brussels, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis highlighted NATO’s enhanced forward presence in Europe and emphasized the United States’ commitment to NATO. Story

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Map of Europe with map pins in Germany and Belgium

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Secretary Jim Mattis ABOUT THE SECRETARY

Jim Mattis became the 26th defense secretary Jan. 20, 2017. During more than four decades in uniform, he commanded Marines at all levels, including in combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a joint force commander, he commanded U.S. Joint Forces Command, NATO's Supreme Allied Command for Transformation and U.S. Central Command.