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September 2016
Travels with Carter - U.S. Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Ash Carter traveled to California and Texas to continue advancing one of his top priorities: building and rebuilding bridges between the Pentagon and America's innovative technology sector.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter is traveling to California and Texas to continue advancing one of his top priorities: building and rebuilding bridges between the Pentagon and America's innovative technology sector.


Screen grab of Defense Secretary Ash Carter giving a speech.

DoD News Update: Carter Announces New DoD Innovation Hub

Carter makes announcement

Full Speech: Carter Announces Opening of DoD Innovation Hub in Texas

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About the Secretary

Profile photo of Defense Secretary Ash Carter Ash Carter is the 25th secretary of defense. He previously served as deputy defense secretary and as undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. Carter has received the Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal five times and the Defense Intelligence Medal. Biography


Carter Opens DoD Innovation Outpost in Texas

Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the opening of the Pentagon’s third location for its technology startup, Defense Innovation Unit-Experimental, this time extending the department's outreach to Austin, Texas. Story

Carter Visits Silicon Valley to 'Build Bridges' With Tech Community

The Defense Department needs to be flexible and more "user-friendly" to attract the very best in the highly competitive tech community, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in San Francisco. Story

Carter to Focus on Innovation, Technology on Domestic Trip

Defense Secretary Ash Carter is visiting the Defense Innovation Unit-Experimental and other organizations in Northern California and Austin, Texas, during a trip highlighting defense innovation, technology and building the Force of the Future. Story

Travel Locations

Map of Carter travel locations: California, Texas.