Workspace Tips & Tricks: How to Create a Custom Role in

Sometimes the standard user roles – Expanded AOR, Standard AOR, and Workspace Manager – can be insufficiently rigid for applicant organizations.

Thus, an organization may want to create custom roles that can be assigned in place of the standard roles.

Workspace Tips and Tricks

Continue reading Workspace Tips & Tricks: How to Create a Custom Role in

5 Things You Might Not Know About Workspace

Even if you have applied for federal grants using Workspace, you might not be aware of all the features available to applicants.

Workspace Tips and Tricks

Below are five things you might not know about Workspace, along with help articles that walk you through each action.

Continue reading 5 Things You Might Not Know About Workspace Support Center’s Top Questions: Workspace Edition

If you are a subscriber to this blog, you likely know about’s online resources. These resources include training videos and the online user guide.

Sometimes, though, talking on the phone with a real, live human can be crucial – especially when a user is stumped by a specific step in the application process or just feels overwhelmed. To this end, has a Support Center that can be reached 24/7 (except on federal holidays) by phone (1-800-518-4726) or email. Support Resources

Below are the five most common questions the support team has received about Workspace. Here we provide basic answers, tips, and links to specific videos and help articles that walk users through the answers. Continue reading Support Center’s Top Questions: Workspace Edition

User Story Collection: How the Federal Grants Community Uses

The characters in our User Story blog series don’t have super-powers. But, the wide-ranging ways they use the system reflect time-saving and efficiency-building methods that real-world users can employ. User Story Series

Here, we collect the user story narratives we have published so far in 2018.

Continue reading User Story Collection: How the Federal Grants Community Uses

Grantor User Story: Retrieving Submissions & Assigning Agency Tracking Numbers

The application deadline for Trish’s grant program has come and gone, so now she is ready to get those applications into the application review process. Trish would also like to add agency tracking numbers to give her applicants the opportunity to see the status of their application. (If you missed previous installments of Trish’s story, click here and here)

Trish user story: I need to retrieve all opportunity submissions and assign tracking numbers to each.

Retrieving the Submissions

Continue reading Grantor User Story: Retrieving Submissions & Assigning Agency Tracking Numbers

Video Playlist: Watch the Latest Tutorials in the Learning Workspace Video Series

Get your popcorn ready, everyone. The recently refreshed Learning Workspace Video Series provides step-by-step instructions for organization applicants using workspace.

Continue reading Video Playlist: Watch the Latest Tutorials in the Learning Workspace Video Series

Diet Soda or Regular? Orange Juice or Apple? Webforms or PDFs?

You are at a crossroads. Your workspace has been created. You have logged in and clicked over to the Forms tab. And now you face a decision point: Do you use webforms or PDF forms (or both)?

This decision – admittedly – is a bit more complicated than choosing between, say, two types of soda pop or fruit juice.

When applicants are set to begin work on application forms, they have to decide whether to fill out any given form in a web browser or in Adobe Reader/Acrobat. This training video – recently updated – explains the how-to of each approach to forms.

In this post, we lay out the reasoning and upsides for each option. If, by the end of this post, you still don’t know what to do, we have some good news for you, too.
Continue reading Diet Soda or Regular? Orange Juice or Apple? Webforms or PDFs?

Infographic and Video of the Application Workflow for Organizations

Applying for a federal grant can feel daunting – even for a seasoned veteran. The average federal grant application involves a multitude of decisions, from filling in form fields to communicating with collaborators.

The following graphic and its accompanying video break this complicated endeavor into four high-level phases.

Continue reading Infographic and Video of the Application Workflow for Organizations

Applicant Scenarios: Subrecipients’ Filling Out Application Forms without a Account

Want us to address one of your organization’s scenarios? Post your scenario in the Discussion Forum for help from the grants community (login required).

We are sometimes asked to fill out a subaward form by our prime. Is there a quick link to the subform available so we don't have to train our team to use Workspace?

This is a great question – and one that we have heard from other people who contribute to an organization’s application.

Continue reading Applicant Scenarios: Subrecipients’ Filling Out Application Forms without a Account