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The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage. Learn more about MEPS.

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MEPS Topics
bullet Access to Health Care bullet Health Insurance bullet Prescription Drugs
bullet Children's Health bullet Medical Conditions bullet Projected Data/Expenditures
bullet Children's Insurance Coverage bullet Medicare/Medicaid/SCHIP bullet Quality of Health Care
bullet Elderly Health Care bullet Men's Health bullet State and Metro Area Estimates
bullet Health Care Costs/Expenditures bullet Mental Health bullet The Uninsured
bullet Health Care Disparities bullet Obesity bullet Women's Health
Click here for full topic list ...
What's New Highlights
Analytical Tools
New interface for redesigned MEPS tables is now live! AHRQ has redesigned the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Household Component summary tables to be more user friendly. The interface has been revamped to make navigation easier through multiple queries. New features include the ability to view trends over time, automated plot generation, and R and SAS code to replicate the selected tables. The online summary tables now provide an interactive platform that allows users to quickly access summary estimates at the national level on household medical utilization and expenditures, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, health insurance coverage, access to care and satisfaction with care, medical conditions, and prescribed medicine purchases.

The MEPS summary tables have been updated with 2016 data.

New Publications
Statistical Brief 519: Enrollment in High-Premium Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance by State: Private Industry, 2016 This Statistical Brief reports estimates by state of the percentage of private-sector employees enrolled in employer-sponsored health insurance plans with high premiums, defined as those with annual premiums that were greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for single-coverage enrollees ($8,500) or family coverage enrollees ($24,000) in 2016. That is, of all enrollees across the U.S. within each coverage type, 10 percent had premiums at or above these amounts. These estimates were obtained using data from the 2016 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component (MEPS-IC).

Statistical Brief 518: Treatment and Monitoring of Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes by Race/Ethnicity, 2015-2016 This Statistical Brief first presents estimates of the prevalence of reported diagnoses of diabetes for adults age 18 and older by race/ethnicity, and then focuses on differences among racial/ethnic groups in treatment and monitoring of the condition. The treatment methods considered include insulin injection, oral medications, and diet modification. Monitoring services by a health professional include blood cholesterol check, checking of feet for sores or irritations, eye exam with dilation, and blood check for hemoglobin A1C. Understanding differences in diabetic patients' receipt of these treatment and services by race/ethnicity may be helpful in directing resources for managing diabetes among diverse groups.

To access a list of all the latest items posted on our Web site, visit What's New.