Climate and Health Program

Widespread scientific consensus exists that the world’s climate is changing. Some of these changes will likely include more variable weather, heat waves, heavy precipitation events, flooding, droughts, more intense storms, sea level rise, and air pollution. Each of these impacts could negatively affect public health. While climate change is a global issue, the effects of climate change will vary across geographic regions and populations. CDC’s Climate and Health Program is helping state and city health departments prepare for the specific health impacts of climate change that their communities will face. Our mission is to:

  1. Lead efforts to identify populations vulnerable to climate change.
  2. Prevent and adapt to current and anticipated health impacts.
  3. Ensure that systems are in place to detect and respond to current and emerging health threats.
BRACE Infographic

The Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) framework helps communities prepare for the health effects of climate change


The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States

smoke in sky

Adaptation in Action

CRSCI Grantee Success Stories

Page last reviewed: November 1, 2018