Evaluation Results and Lessons Learned

Learn about CDC-funded program evaluations and evaluations of local and state organizations selected for their work in heart disease and stroke prevention.

CDC funds a variety of programs nationwide for heart disease and stroke prevention. You can use the program evaluations listed below to help you in your heart disease and stroke prevention efforts.

Million Hearts® Partnerships 2012–2016: Key Evaluation Findings and Successes

This summary presents key findings from an evaluation of the Million Hearts® 2012–2016 partnership network. During that time, the national Million Hearts®External initiative helped prevent about half a million heart attacks and strokes in the United States. This evaluation demonstrates the importance of partnerships to the success of the initiative. As it moves forward with a new Million Hearts® 2022 Cdc-pdf[PDF-157 KB]External framework, Million Hearts® will continue to focus on maintaining existing partnerships and creating new ones.

Sodium Reduction in Communities Program (SRCP) Evaluation Approach Cdc-pdf[PDF – 248 KB]

The Sodium Reduction in Communities Program (SRCP) funds recipients to implement sodium reduction strategies to increase the availability and purchase of lower-sodium food options. SRCP’s comprehensive evaluation examines the extent to which sodium reduction is possible at the community level. This document provides a brief overview of the comprehensive evaluation approach and its primary components.

Paul Coverdell Acute Stroke Program 2012–2015 Evaluation Summary

The Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program funds states to improve the quality of care for stroke patients. This report summarizes the programmatic strategies and activities used by grantees during the 2012–2015 funding period. The information can be used by states and public health departments interested in starting a stroke registry and improving stroke care and access to care.

Read the 2012–2015 Summary Report Cdc-pdf[PDF – 627 KB]

Early Outcomes for Sodium Reduction in Communities Program infographic Cdc-pdf[PDF-478K]

The Sodium Reduction in Communities Program funds communities across the country to implement strategies to reduce sodium intake to no more than the recommended maximum amount as defined in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The infographic and the Sodium Reduction in Communities Program Outcome Evaluation Toolkit Cdc-pdf[PDF-1.7M] highlight awardees’ work in their communities during the 2013–2016 award cycle. Examples include making recipe modifications and replacing products with lower sodium options in hospitals, schools, and other local organizations.

State Cardiovascular Health Examination Survey

CDC funded three states to develop and implement a state cardiovascular health examination survey to guide strategies and evaluation of cardiovascular health promotion.

State Public Health Actions (1305) Evaluation Approach Cdc-pdf[PDF – 840 KB]

State Public Health Actions (1305) funds states to prevent, manage, and reduce the risk factors associated with chronic diseases—including childhood and adult obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. CDC developed a comprehensive approach to evaluating 1305 to assess the relevance, quality and impact of 1305  over the course of the cooperative agreement. This document provides a brief overview of the purpose and primary components of the evaluation approach.

State and Local Public Health Actions (1422) Evaluation Approach Cdc-pdf[PDF – 214 KB]

State and Local Public Health Actions (1422) funds states and large cities to prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke among general and priority populations with the aim of reducing health disparities and improving health equity among adults. CDC’s 1422 comprehensive evaluation approach describes and assesses the implementation of, and outcomes related to, the use of the Dual Approach Cdc-pdf[PDF – 124 KB] and mutually reinforcing strategies Cdc-pdf[PDF – 199 KB]. This document provides a brief overview of the evaluation approach and its primary components.

CDC identified the following programs as promising practices for preventing heart disease and stroke. The evaluation summaries briefly describe the program’s rigorous evaluation process, including methods and key findings. You can use the lessons learned from these cardiovascular disease prevention programs to guide strategies in your setting.

Lessons Learned

Learn what states are doing to improve nutrition, physical activity, and other behaviors related to heart disease and stroke prevention.