Internship Program



The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) Internship Program is a valuable learning experience for currently enrolled college and university junior, senior, or graduate students interested in a criminal justice, forensic science, or related career. The program is administered by the GBI Human Resources Office. The length of the internship is one quarter or semester as determined by the student's college or university, with the concurrence of the GBI Human Resources Office. 


The program is open to full-time students currently classified as a junior or above interested in a criminal justice, forensic science, or related career who are currently pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited college or university. Applicants must also meet the following criteria:

  1. U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age.
  2. In good academic standing with their college or university.
  3. Must be enrolled in school during the quarter or semester the student plans to intern.
  4. Recommended by their college or university to participate in the program.


*Please read carefully*

Students will be disqualified for any of the following:

  • Illegal use of marijuana or non-prescription steroids within one year of internship application date.
  • Deliberate misrepresentation of illegal drug history in connection with the application.
  • Deliberate misrepresentation or falsification of any GBI application or background information.
  • Prior convictions for a felony or misdemeanors of high and aggravated nature.
  • Illegal use of any drug while employed in any position that has high level of responsibility.
  • Illegal sale, distribution or manufacturing (to include growing) of any drug.
  • Use of an illegal drug or combination of illegal drugs, other than experimental marijuana use or non-prescription anabolic steroids, within ten years of the internship application date.

Experimental use of marijuana will be determined by

  1. Number of times used
  2. Frequency of use
  3. Age at the time of use.
  4. Circumstances surrounding use.
  • Use of an illegal drug or combination of illegal drugs, other than marijuana or non-prescription anabolic steroids, more than 5 times.
  • Deliberate association of a personal nature within the past twelve months with any person who used illegal drugs in the presence of applicant.

Deliberate association will be determined by:

  1. Circumstances surrounding the incident
  2. Location of incident
  3. Applicants’ response or lack of response in the incident.
  • Conduct or activity which reflects a disregard for local, state, or federal laws or which conflicts with the standards of behavior or ethical principles of the GBI.
  • Failure to complete the polygraph examination process
  • Driver’s history which suggests a pattern of disregard for the law.
  • Credit history which suggests fiscal irresponsibility.

Intern applicants must submit to the GBI Office of Human Resources prior to the semester in which the internship is to be served the following:

  • Internship Application
  • Internship Questionnaire

Failure to complete, sign and submit the above documents will delay internship process.

  1. The Office of Human Resources will review applications to determine if the applicant meets the internship program qualifications.
  2. Intern applicants must be willing to serve for a minimum of 30 hours a week for 8 weeks in order to receive the most benefit from the program.
  3. Students may work longer hours and weeks as directed by their college/university internship coordinator(s) and GBI work unit supervisor(s) to ensure their college/university requirements are met.
  4. The supervisor of the desired work unit will coordinate interviews with intern applicants. The supervisor will approve or disapprove the acceptance of the intern applicant.
  5. Applicants must successfully complete a GBI polygraph examination and limited background investigation to be accepted into the program.
  6. Upon consultation with appropriate supervisor(s), the office of Human Resources will place the intern in a GBI work unit with consideration given to the needs of the appropriate division and the geographic availability of the intern.
  7. The GBI will attempt to accommodate all intern applicants, but there are no guarantees that everyone who applies will be approved for an internship.
  8. Applicants majoring in a criminal justice or related field may intern at any of 15 Regional offices, select task force offices or specialized units at GBI Headquarters. Applicants majoring in science or related majors may intern with the Department of Forensic Sciences at Headquarters. Information Technology (IT) and related majors may intern with the Georgia Crime Information Center located at Headquarters. Applicants will not be allowed to intern at regional crime labs.


  1. Interns are not commissioned with sworn officer status.
  2. Interns will conform to the dress and conduct code of the GBI.
  3. Interns will be responsible directly to the supervisory personnel of the work unit in which the internship is served.Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that interns receive appropriate training dependent upon their work assignments.
  4. Interns will be exposed, as much as possible, to the various operations of the division or work unit to which they are assigned.
  5. Interns will not be placed in life threatening situations.
  6.  Under the supervision of GBI staff, interns will be permitted to operate GBI vehicles in a non-emergency status provided the intern has a valid driver’s license and a good driving history.
  7. Interns will not wear any clothing that would represent them as a sworn GBI agent or other GBI employee.  Interns may wear issued clothing that clearly designates them as a GBI intern.
  8. Investigative Division interns present during investigative acts will be documented in investigative summaries as outlined in the GBI Case Reporting Manual.  


At the conclusion of an internship, the intern will complete a written evaluation of the field experience, emphasizing the strong and weak points of the program and any recommendations for change. Copies of the evaluations will be forwarded to the student's college or university and to the GBI Office of Human Resources for filing and for dissemination to appriopriate supervisory personnel. 


Any exceptions to the above policy must be approved by the GBI Director, Assistant Director, or Director of Human Resources.