Data Query Tools


SEER*Explorer is a new interactive website to provide easy access to a wide range of SEER cancer statistics. It provides detailed statistics for a cancer site by gender, race, calendar year, age, and for a selected number of cancer sites, by stage and histology.

Fast Stats

Fast Stats is an interactive tool for quick access to key SEER and U.S. cancer statistics for major cancer sites by age, sex, race/ethnicity and data type. Statistics are presented as graphs and tables.

Cancer Statistics Animator

The CanStat Animator allows users to animate cancer trends over time by cancer site and cause of death, race and sex.

Cancer Query Systems (CanQues)

CanQues applications provide access to cancer statistics stored in online databases. These systems do not perform calculations; they display reports using databases of statistics generated by other software.

State and Geographic Data

State Cancer Profiles

The State Cancer Profiles website is a comprehensive system of interactive maps and graphs enabling the investigation of cancer trends at the national, state, and county levels.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Portal

NCI GIS Portal is a web-based station for interactive mapping and visualization of cancer-related geo-spatial data. The portal combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Science principles and tools to harmonize relatively large and multi-dimensional datasets, including population-based cancer statistics and behavioral, environmental, clinical, socioeconomic, and policy data at the county and state levels.


Age-adjusted U.S. incidence and mortality rates by geographic region, plus the confidence intervals for those rates and their ranks.

Small Area Estimates for Cancer-Related Measures

Model-based small area estimates for cancer risk factors and screening behaviors, tobacco use and policies, and cancer-related knowledge.

Special Topics

Know Your Chances

Interactive risk charts to put chances of dying from cancer and other diseases in context.

Cancer Prevalence and Cost of Care

Cancer Prevalence and Cost of Care Projections website shows data for cancer prevalence estimated and projected by tumor site through 2020. This site is based on a study that estimates and projects the national cost of cancer care through the year 2020 separately for multiple cancer sites using the most recent available U.S. population projections, cancer incidence, survival, and cost of care data.