Compliance Division

The Compliance Division plays a crucial role in providing oversight and monitoring of USDA’s compliance with civil rights and equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations.  These laws and regulations prohibit discrimination within USDA federally assisted and conducted programs and employment opportunities. 

What We Do


A USDA/OASCR employee working at her desk





  • Management Directives (MD) 715
  • Compliance Reviews
  • Compliance Monitoring


Management Directive (MD) 715


The EEOC requires all Federal agencies to annually report  accomplishments for establishing and maintaining effective affirmative programs of EEO under Section 717 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (Part A), and Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Part B).

The EEOC MD-715 report is a valuable tool for management officials to monitor their progress towards a “model” civil rights Agency; acknowledge its accomplishments; and create the opportunity for collaboration between the Agencies and their respective Human Resources Office.

USDA’s main objective, derived from MD-715’s requirements, is to ensure that all employees have equal opportunity in the Federal workplace regardless of race, sex, gender identity (including expression), national origin, color, religion, disability or reprisal for engaging in prior protected activity.

OASCR conducts an annual assessment of the EEO and civil rights performance of all Agency Heads and Staff Office Directors.  The USDA Agency Head Assessment Civil Rights Performance Plan and Accomplishment Report measures the performance level of senior management’s accomplishments, while implementing USDA’s programs fairly and equitably.  The assessment aims to ensure management’s compliance with EEO/Civil rights laws and regulations. The Plan measures USDA Agencies’ performance with respect to its commitment to civil rights enforcement.


Compliance Reviews


A USDA/OASCR employee reviewing a documentAs a best practice, compliance reviews are performed on an annual basis to address systemic barriers and challenges in USDA program delivery in the workplace.  In order to ensure equity for all, employees, farmers, ranchers, and representatives of Community-Based Organizations are interviewed during the compliance review process.   This process evaluates the effectiveness of the Agency’s civil rights and equal employment programs.

The results address areas of equal access, program delivery, outreach, leadership, employee development, talent management, recruitment that impact the workforce, and the implementation of mandated programs.  The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of program discrimination and EEO complaints by ensuring compliance with civil rights statutes, regulations and Presidential Executive Orders.


Compliance Monitoring

In order to ensure that the Agencies are in compliance with all settlement agreements, conciliation agreements, Final Agency Decisions, and court orders, the Compliance Division monitors the implementation of all USDA civil rights and EEO agreements and orders.  This action confirms that all terms outlined in the agreements or orders are executed and completed. 

As of December 1, 2013, the Compliance Division only monitors program compliance not employment.


How We Can Help

Members of the Compliance team that can assist you with questions or concerns are:  

Anna G. Stroman, Acting Chief

Donna Carter, MD-715 Team Lead

Justin Rhee, Team Lead

Lois McLean, Compliance Monitoring Lead

Juanita Banks, Program Analyst

Paula Graham: Program Analyst

Brian Ward: Program Analyst