Animal Tales & Features

Animal Tales

The stories below explore the rich bond between animals and people and how pets and animals fit safely into our lives.

Dolphin in a tank in front of a crowd.

People who spend time watching aquariums and fish tanks see improvements in their physical and mental well-being. The benefits include lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Boy sits with kitten while he looks at iPad.

One-eyed cat and boy with autism enjoy affection and special companionship.

	Parrot hanging upside-down in a cage.

Birds are social creatures that enjoy the company of other living beings. Having one as a pet can mean a long-term commitment because of their longevity.

Sea turtle on a beach with the sun setting.

Sea turtle centers teach conservation and provide a close look at wild reptiles. But think twice about turtles as pets, says veterinarian.

Guinea pig laying on a young teens lap on the grass outside.

Guinea pigs can help children bond socially, get exercise, and learn to be dependable for others.

Ferret being held by woman.

Busy ferrets are curious and playful, and can help with emotional well-being.

white dog

Boys in a juvenile detention center in Georgia train rescue dogs so they can be adopted and make great pets.

Remember that no matter how tame bears may seem, they are wild animals.

Orphaned and hurt cubs return to health and their wild life.

Boy being placed on a horse

Visit Storybook Farms, a therapeutic riding center for mentally, physically, and emotionally handicapped children of all ages.

Mother and Daughter sit and hold a chicken

Meet Anne-Marie and Scarlett, mother and daughter who keep backyard poultry as a hobby.

CDC Animal Features

The features below focus on how you can prevent diseases and injuries related to pets and animals.

Men walking in an open field

Ticks can carry germs that can make you sick. Protect yourself, your family, and your pets from tick bites this hunting season.

Man and a dog watching the sun rise.

One Health is the idea that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. Learn why One Health is important and how, by working together, we can achieve the best health for everyone.

Man walking his dog outside.

Pets provide many benefits to people. However, some pets can carry harmful germs that can make us sick.

Goat and a horse behind a fence

There are many ways to explore the animal world. Follow these tips to help you prevent illness when visiting animal exhibits this fall.

A person reaching out to a pet dog.

Dog bites can cause pain and injury, but they can also spread germs that cause infection. Nearly 1 in 5 people bitten by a dog requires medical attention. Any dog can bite – know how to enjoy dogs without getting bitten.

Children with a turtle on a table

Animals can be entertaining and educational.  However, people, especially children, can get sick from contact with animals.  The good news: You can help prevent illnesses from animals.

Chart: Number of Rabies Cases Among Dogs and Cats, United States, 2008-2009

Learn how to help prevent rabies, a deadly virus that threatens the health of people and animals.

Group of hunters in field

Some animals may put hunters at risk for brucellosis, a potentially deadly disease. Learn about simple safety tips that can help hunters prevent this illness.

Dog eating out of a food bowl.

A healthy diet is important for everyone, even your pets! When picking out the right food for your pet, there are important things to consider. Did you know that what you feed your pet can even affect your health and the health of your family?


If a natural disaster strikes, what will happen to your pet? Be prepared: make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pet.

Dogs grouped together

September 28 is World Rabies Day. Established in 2007, it aims to raise awareness about rabies and help the world come together to fight this dreadful, neglected disease

frog swimming

Did you know that reptiles and amphibians like turtles, lizards, and frogs can carry a harmful germ called Salmonella? If there are young children in your home, reptiles and amphibians might not be safe pets for your family.

Live poultry

Live poultry, such as chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys, often carry harmful germs called Salmonella. After you touch a bird, or anything in the area where they live and roam, wash your hands so you don’t get sick!

Dog in rolling luggage

Taking your faithful pooch or kitty on a flight? Make sure you’ve got your pet’s paperwork wherever you go-and bring it back with you, too. The United States expects the same documents regardless of whether your pet is a first-time traveler to the United States or is returning from an international trip.