Summary of Upcoming Changes with User Impacts

(Revised November 27, 2018)

Effective Date: December 31, 2018
Grantor, Grantor S2S

Opportunity Package Templates containing these specific inactive Forms will be deleted on December 31, 2018

Forms listed below were inactive forms as of January 2018. Templates containing the following inactive Forms will be deleted:

  • Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) [V2.0]
  • Attachments [V1.0], [V1.1]
  • Budget Information for Construction Programs (SF-424C) [V1.0]
  • Budget Narrative Attachment Form [V1.0], [V1.1]
  • Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL) [V1.1]
  • Other Attachments Form [V1.0], [V1.1]
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form [V3.0]
  • PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement [V2.0], [V3.0]
  • PHS 398 Research Plan [V2.0], [V3.0]
  • PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan [V3.0]
  • Project Abstract [V1.1]
  • Project Narrative Attachment Form [V1.0], [V1.1]
  • Research & Related Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V1.1]
  • Project/Performance Site Location(s) [V1.2], [V1.4]
  • PHS Assignment Request Form [V1.0]

Since Grantors will no longer be able to create new packages with these templates, Grantors will need to support the latest versions of these Forms. Please note that there is no impact to existing open packages containing these forms.

Effective Date: May 18, 2019
Grantor, Grantor S2S

Grantor accounts with a duplicate email address are required to merge their accounts to login to

  • To merge your accounts, you need access to the email address associated with the accounts. If you no longer have access to the email account or you do not want to merge these accounts, then you can change the email address to enter a unique email address. For instructions, refer to the Merge Accounts help article.

For Grantor S2S users who use their Grantor accounts with the following web services, prior to merging your Grantor accounts with duplicate email address, you will need to update your S2S interface to use the Agency Code to uniquely identify the Agency/Opportunity:

  • Create Adobe Opportunity
  • Update Adobe Opportunity
  • Delete Adobe Opportunity
  • Delete Adobe Synopsis
Effective Date: June 30, 2019
Grantor, Grantor S2S

Opportunity Package Templates containing these specific inactive Forms will be deleted on June 30, 2019

Forms listed below became inactive between January and July 2018. Templates containing the following inactive Forms will be deleted:

  • COS Short Application Attachment to SF-424 [V2.3]
  • NSF Senior Key Person Profile (Expanded) [V1.0]
  • USDA AD-3030 [V1.1]
  • Financial Management and System of Internal Controls Questionnaire [V1.0]
  • HUD-52768 [V1.0]
  • Faith Based EEO Survey [V1.2]
  • NSF Cover Page [V1.7]

Since Grantors will no longer be able to create new packages with these templates, Grantors will need to support the latest versions of these Forms. Please note that there is no impact to existing open packages containing these forms.

Effective Date: December 31, 2019
Grantor S2S

The following Grantor web services will be retired on December 31, 2019:

  • Manage Package: Replaced by Create/Update/Delete Opportunity Package
  • Assign Agency Tracking Number: Replaced by Update Application Info
  • Get Application List: Replaced by Get Application List Expanded
Effective Date: December 31, 2019
Applicant S2S

The following Applicant web services will be retired on December 31, 2019:

  • Get Opportunities Expanded: Replaced by Get Opportunity List
  • Get Application Status Detail: Replaced by Get Application Info
  • Get Application List: Replaced by Get Submission List
  • Get Application List As Third Party: Replaced by Get Submission List As Third Party

For the Summary of Recent Changes with User Impact, please see the Releases page for the details of the recent enhancements to