Webcasts & Webinars

Watch videos and training webinars on a variety of heart disease and stroke topics.

CDC Public Health Grand Rounds Webcasts

Overcoming Barriers to Medication Adherence for Chronic Diseases
This February 2017 webcast featured a panel of leaders in pharmacy, nursing, medicine, and academia who highlighted the burden of medication non-adherence and barriers for adherence among patients with cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.

Watch the webcast.

Mind Your Risks and Act FAST to Prevent and Treat Strokes

This May 2016 webcast featured presentations from experts on the importance of knowing the risk for stroke and acting quickly if a stroke occurs. The webcast also discussed how public health programs and health care providers are working together to improve the quality of stroke care and treatment.

Watch the webcast.

Group of people at a seminar.

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Coffee Breaks: Webinar Series

The monthly Coffee Break webinar series offers 20-minute mini-trainings focused on knowledge translation tools and evaluation basics for chronic disease programs. Each session provides an overview of a selected topic and is presented by a CDC subject matter expert.