HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champions

The HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion is an annual award given jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Cancer Society (ACS)External, and Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI)External. This award recognizes clinicians, clinics, practices, groups, and health systems that are going above and beyond to foster HPV vaccination among adolescents in their communities.

Award criteria

Learn about the award and the considerations for nominations.

standing group of 7 doctors

Know a clinician, clinic, practice, group, or health system with a high HPV vaccination rate? Nominate them here.

HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention Champion

Use these items to share information about the award and to promote your state or territory’s winner.

Bellevue Pediatric Primary Care Clinic

Learn about the 2018 award winners and how they have been able to achieve high HPV vaccine series completion rates.