Educational Materials for Patients

Heart Disease

Fact Sheets

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Other Resources

The following Web sites include government health links and resources about heart disease—

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Stroke and You Series

Some medical conditions and lifestyle choices can put anyone at risk for stroke regardless of gender, ethnicity, or age. However, certain groups are at higher risk for stroke and deserve special consideration because of particular risk factors. The “Stroke and You” series highlights the prevention challenges these groups face and what CDC is doing to address them.

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Know the Facts About Stroke

This full-color, easy-to-read handout describes the risk factors, signs and symptoms, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of stroke.

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Fact Sheets

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Other Resources

The following Web sites include government health links and resources about stroke—

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High Blood Pressure

Know the Facts About High Blood Pressure

This full-color, easy-to-read handout describes the risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of high blood pressure.

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Fact Sheets

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Other Resources

The following Web sites include government health links and resources about high blood pressure—

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Know the Facts About High Blood Cholesterol

This full-color, easy-to-read handout describes the risk factors, signs and symptoms, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of high blood cholesterol.

Fact Sheets

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Other Resources

The following Web sites include government health links and resources to learn about cholesterol:

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Fact Sheets

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CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWRs)

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Other Resources

The following Web sites include government health links and resources to learn about salt:

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