National Historical Publications & Records Commission

Grant Opportunities

    Access to Historical Records: Major Initiatives FY 2020

    For projects that will significantly improve public discovery and use of major historical records collections.

    This program has two phases. You must first submit a Preliminary Proposal, and successful applicants from the preliminary round will be invited to submit a Final Proposal

    Institutes for Historical Editing

    For projects to develop and administer basic and advanced Institutes for Historical Editing.
    • Draft (optional):: no later than January 17, 2019
    • Final Deadline: February 21, 2019

    Archives Collaboratives: Planning Grants

    For projects to plan and develop a working collaborative designed to enhance the capacity of small and diverse organizations with historical records collections.

    • Final Deadline: April 4, 2019

    Digital Edition Publishing Cooperatives

    The NHPRC and Mellon Foundation Call for Proposals to implement Digital Edition Publishing Cooperatives.
    • Draft Proposals: March 1, 2019
    • Final Deadline: May 1, 2019

    State Board Programming Grants

    For projects that strengthen the nation’s archival network through activities undertaken by state historical records advisory boards.

    • Final Deadline:   June 12, 2019

    Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions

    For projects to publish documentary editions of historical records.

    This program has two deadlines:

    • Final Deadline:   June 12, 2019
    • Final Deadline:   October 3, 2019

    Deadlines Have Passed (for reference only):


    Access to Historical Records: Archival Projects

    For projects that ensure online public discovery and use of historical records collections.

    • Draft Deadline (optional): August 3, 2018
    • Final Deadline:   October 4, 2018

    Public Engagement with Historical Records

    For projects that encourage public engagement with historical records.

    • Draft Deadline (optional): August 3, 2018
    • Final Deadline:   October 4, 2018

    Archives Leadership Institute

    For a project to organize and run an Archives Leadership Institute.

    • Final Deadline: December 7, 2017

    Check each program announcement for optional Draft deadlines.
