HUD USER Archives

The HUD USER Archives is composed of collections of archived web pages that are no longer being updated due to budgetary and other constraints. The intent of these pages is to catalog, provide access to, and preserve digital materials.


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About PD&R;

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      Historical information about PD&R;’s role and mission are contained in these pages..

Office of University Partnerships


Office of University Partnerships

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      These pages contain information and materials relating to programs funded by the Office of University Partnerships. Due to budgetary constraints, beginning FY2012, OUP stopped awarding these grants. This section of the archives also contains links to old newsletters produced by the Office of University Partnerships.

Past PD&R Periodicals


Past PD&R; Periodicals and eNewsletters

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      These periodicals were previously produced by PD&R; and featured on HUD USER, but are no longer in production. Some of the articles from these periodicals have been incorporated into PD&R;’s online magazine, The Edge.

Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse


Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse

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      The Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC) collects and disseminates information on the production and preservation of affordable housing and sustainable communities through a searchable database of state and local programs and policies that encourage housing affordability. The following initiatives and periodicals were previously hosted on the RBC site, but have now been discontinued.

Sustainable Communities Resource Center


Sustainable Communities Resource Center

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      The Sustainable Communities Resource Center (SCRC) was intended to provide the public with a comprehensive set of information that supports local and regional strategies, with a particular emphasis on sustainable housing and planning. The Resource Center provided ready access to best practices, cutting edge research, new reports and resources, and spotlights innovation in the field. Funding for the SCRC was cut beginning with FY2014.

International and Philanthropic Innovation


International and Philanthropic Innovation

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      The Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation (IPI) supports HUD's efforts to find new solutions and align ideas and resources by working across public, private, and civil sectors to further HUD's mission.

Housing Scorecard


Housing Scorecard

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      Each month, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury produce a monthly scorecard on the health of the nation's housing market.

Sustainable Communities Initiative


Sustainable Communities Initiative

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      The Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program supports locally-led collaborative efforts that bring together diverse interests from the many municipalities in a region to determine how to best target housing, economic and workforce development, and infrastructure investments to create more jobs and regional economic activity.

Prosperity Playbook


Prosperity Playbook

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      HUD, in collaboration with local and national partner organizations, launched Prosperity Playbook, a new initiative to address efforts to expand economic mobility and housing affordability. The Prosperity Playbook Toolkit contains curated case studies and best practices that support the objectives of the initiative.

Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative (SC2)


Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative (SC2)

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      The White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) brings together 19 federal agencies to work together in partnership with committed city leaders as they implement locally driven economic visions. SC2 is an innovative approach for supporting cities experiencing population and job loss, persistent poverty, capacity constraints, and similar challenges in an era of ever dwindling resources. SC2 consists of four components: SC2 Deployed Federal Community Solutions Teams; SC2 National Resource Network; SC2 Fellows and AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers; and the SC2 Economic Visioning Challenge.

Interagency Physical Inspection Alignment


Interagency Physical Inspection Alignment

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      Nearly four million American families live in rental housing that is owned, insured, or subsidized by HUD. To ensure that these families have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary, and in good repair, HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) conducts approximately 20,000 physical inspections on properties each year. With that many inspections taking place across the country, making the process more efficient and cost-effective – not to mention less burdensome for everyone involved – is the kind of change that’s easy to embrace. And with that, we’re pleased to welcome you to the Physical Inspection Alignment Initiative, which seeks to streamline the inspections process by reducing – and whenever possible, eliminating – redundant inspections. Fewer inspections not only saves time, but reduces costs and minimizes the inconvenience on both residents and housing service providers. On these pages, you’ll learn about the Inspection Alignment process, and see the latest updates, resources, tools, and information about the Initiative. This interagency effort began in 2011 with six participating state Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs), and is projected to grow to include 33 HFAs in 2016.

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