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Agritourism and Farm Tours

Pick Your Own signs at a farm. (Copyright IStock)Agritourism is "a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or processing with tourism in order to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertaining and/or educating the visitors and generating income for the farm, ranch, or business owner." [National Agricultural Law Center. Agritourism - An Overview.]

Cornell University Cooperative Extension Service.

A guide on how to start "an agritourism enterprise, what visitors expect, customer relations, income streams, liability, and marketing." Includes an Agritourism Enterprise Checklist and other useful resources.

University of California.  Cooperative Extension. Small Farm Program.

A comprehensive list of steps to successfully plan, develop, schedule, conduct and conclude a tour or your farm or ranch.  

University of Arkansas. National Agricultural Law Center.

Site includes Congressional reports, agency listings, Center reports and references to statutes, case law and other government information pertinent to agricultural enterprises that are combined with tourism to create new sources of revenue.

Rutgers. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.

This educational training program includes of workshops, webinars, and web-based materials that focus on "minimizing farm safety risks; managing liability; mitigating financial risk through enterprise budgeting; and improving marketing strategies." Also included are budgeting tools, checklists, fact sheets, training modules, and videos.