Beatrice's Story

Beatrice, age 40, is the mother of two boys and lives in New York. She tried her first cigarette at age 7, her second at 11, and then began smoking regularly when she was 13. She had friends who smoked, and she wanted to be “cool” like them.

More than 25 years later, Beatrice still smoked. She was not a heavy smoker and had not been diagnosed with any smoking—related health problems, but she wanted to quit. Her family also wanted her to quit. Although she had tried many times before, in 2010, Beatrice quit for good. She encourages anyone who wants to quit smoking to do it—but to get help if they need it.

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Beatrice: “I Told Everyone I Stopped Smoking”

Beatrice describes some of the techniques she used to recognize and avoid her smoking triggers that helped her to quit smoking. Even though it was hard to do, by making a plan and sticking to it, she beat her addiction to cigarettes and stopped smoking for good. This video is part of CDC’s campaign, Tips From Former Smokers®.

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