Rico's Story

Rico, age 48, started smoking at age 14. He remembers lighting his father’s cigarettes as a young boy and watching him smoke constantly. Rico continued smoking into adulthood, and although his doctors told him to quit, he admits it was difficult. “I just couldn’t quit,” he said.

At age 45, Rico’s doctor told him he had cancer. Suddenly, nothing else mattered. Rico realized he had to take immediate action and quit smoking for good. Rico stopped smoking because he wanted to be healthy and watch his then-teenaged children grow up. He was treated for his cancer and has been a survivor since 2011.

Rico recalls how he first struggled to quit smoking but feels proud that he took control of his health and quit. “I quit so that I’d be more than a memory to my wife and children,” he said. Rico enjoys sharing his story with others and believes that it’s never too late to quit smoking and live a healthy lifestyle.

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Rico, age 48, California; smokefree since 2011.

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