General Factfinding - Industry & Economic Analysis Ongoing Investigations

U.S.–UK Trade Agreement: Advice on the Probable Economic Effect of Providing Duty-free Treatment for Currently Dutiable Imports (131-045 and TPA 105-006)

U.S.–EU Trade Agreement: Advice on the Probable Economic Effect of Providing Duty-free Treatment for Currently Dutiable Imports (TA 131-044 and TPA 105-005)

U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement: Advice on the Probable Economic Effect of Providing Duty-free Treatment for Currently Dutiable Imports (Investigation Nos. TA-131-043 and TPA-105-004)

U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (Investigation No. TPA‐105‐003)

American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act: Effects of Temporary Duty Suspensions and Reductions on the U.S. Economy (Investigation No. 332-565)

 U.S. SME Exports: Trade-Related Barriers Affecting Exports of U.S. Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises to the United Kingdom (Investigation No. 332-569)

Global Digital Trade 2: The Business-to-Business Market, Key Foreign Trade Restrictions, and U.S. Competitiveness; and Global Digital Trade 3: The Business-to-Consumer Market, Key Foreign Trade Restrictions, and U.S. Competitiveness

Textile and Apparel Imports from China: Statistical Reports (Inv. No. 332-501) instituted 11/04/08