Christine's Story

During high school, Christine wanted to fit in, so she began smoking at age 16. She became addicted and continued smoking for 28 years.

In 2007, at age 44, Christine’s life would change forever. A biopsy of a growth inside her cheek revealed oral cancer. After 35 radiation treatments and chemotherapy, she seemed to be cured. But the cancer returned in 2008; this time surgery was her only option. Her third bout with oral cancer in 2009 was even more serious. She learned it had spread to her jawbone, classifying it as stage IV. Doctors had to remove half of her jaw. Today, at age 55, Christine has been smoke-free for 11 years.

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Christine: Oral Cancer Effects

Christine began smoking in high school to fit in. She became addicted and continued to smoke for many years. At 44, she was diagnosed with oral cancer. She lost her teeth due to radiation treatments, and had to have half of her jaw removed after the cancer came back twice. In this commercial, Christine talks about how oral cancer treatments and reconstructive surgery have affected her appearance.

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