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Hospital FAQs: Maternity Practices

Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC)

mPINC Update

CDC’s 2018 national survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) will launch in early November! The updated and redesigned 2018 mPINC survey will include hospitals that provide maternity care services and will be completed online only. Although free-standing birth centers were previously included, the 2018 mPINC survey will only include hospitals. Similar to how past surveys worked, screening phone calls will be conducted in alphabetical order by state/territory abbreviation, and facilities will be contacted on a rolling basis. Screening will begin in the following states/territories beginning in November: Alaska (AK), Alabama (AL), Arkansas (AR), and Arizona (AZ). Please feel free to share this information with your partners who may wish to reach out to hospitals in their communities to encourage participation in the mPINC survey. Periodic updates on the screening process will be available here and through the United States Breastfeeding Committee’s (USBC’s) Weekly Wire.

How do I get a copy of my facility’s mPINC benchmark report?

  • Hospitals: For each survey cycle, if your facility participated, six copies of your facility’s benchmark report were mailed to your facility. Two of them were mailed by name, to the person to whom the survey was originally sent and to your facility’s administrator/CEO as listed in the American Hospital Association database. In addition, four reports were mailed to people in specific positions in the facility, not by name. These positions include: Obstetrics Medical Director, the Nurse Manager for Mother Baby Care, the Pediatrics Medical Director, and the Chief Quality Improvement Officer. If after conferring with all of these individual you are unable to locate your report email a request to
  • Birth Centers: For each survey cycle, if your facility participated, four copies of your facility’s benchmark report were mailed to your facility. Two of them were mailed by name, to the person to whom the survey was originally sent and to your birth center’s owner as listed by the American Association of Birth Centers. In addition, two reports were mailed to people in specific positions in the facility, not by name. These positions are the Medical Director and Head Midwife. If after conferring with all of these individual you are unable to locate your report email your request to

Who was sent/completed my facility’s mPINC survey?

  • Each time that we implement a new survey we screen hospitals by telephone by contacting the mother/baby manager and asking this individual to identify the best person to complete a survey including questions about infant nutrition, such as breastfeeding, use of formula by healthy newborns, and feeding routines. Since we follow this process each time that we implement a new survey, the person identified to receive the survey one year is not necessarily the person identified to receive the survey in a later cycle.
  • We do not collect the name(s) of the individual(s) that completed the mPINC survey. The cover letter accompanying the survey recognizes that no single person may be best able to answer all of the questions in the mPINC survey, and encourages the person completing the survey to obtain input from other key personnel as needed.

Can the mPINC survey be sent to me to be filled out?

  • It is extremely important for the validity of the survey and the credibility of the data that we follow the same protocol to find the survey respondent at each facility. Each time that we implement a new survey we screen hospitals by telephone by contacting the mother/baby manager and asking this individual to identify the best person to complete a survey including questions about infant nutrition, such as breastfeeding, use of formula by healthy newborns, and feeding routines.
  • It may be helpful for you to talk with the mother/baby nurse manager at your facility to describe the purpose and timing of the mPINC survey. Let the mother/baby nurse manager at your facility know that they may receive a phone call about the mPINC survey and discuss with her/him the best person to respond to the survey on behalf of your facility.

My facility’s mPINC benchmark report is not accurate. How can I get the information corrected?

  • Please provide the survey questions you believe to be inaccurate and your contact information in an email addressed to We will review to ensure there was no error in the data analysis from the submitted survey. However, we are unable to make changes to reports from facilities that believe that incorrect data were submitted.

Can you send me the list of hospitals that have participated in mPINC?

  • Due to confidentiality of our survey participants, we cannot disclose the list of hospitals who have participated in the mPINC surveys. The mPINC survey states on the inner cover that respondents’ names, facility names, and other personal identifiers will not be shared with any other facility. All responses are reported only in summary form so individual responses cannot be identified.

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