Reports to Congress


Our website provides a list of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) reports to Congress signed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary and the date on which the report was submitted to Congress.

For more information on these reports, please contact the ACF program office listed with the report.

Reports to Congress

  • Reports to Congress 2018

    Administration for Native Americans

    • 10/03/18 - FY 2017 Report to Congress on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund
    • 12/20/18 - FY 2015 Social and Economic Conditions of Native Americans Report to Congress

    Children's Bureau

    • 01/04/18 - Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) State Program and Technical Assistance
    • 02/28/18 - Report to Congress on the Administering Section 113 of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act
    • 05/23/18 - FY 2015 Child Welfare Outcomes Report to Congress
    • 11/19/18 - Seventh Biennial Report to Congress on Evaluation, Research, and Technical Assistance Activities Supported by Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program

    Family and Youth Services Bureau

    • 01/04/18 - Report to Congress on the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program for FYs 2014 and 2015

    Office of Community Services

    • 01/19/18 - FY 2014 Community Services Block Grant Report to Congress
    • 08/13/18 - FY 2015 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
    • 11/06/18 - FY 2016 Assets for Independence Program Report to Congress
    • 11/06/18 - FY 2014 Community Economic Development and Rural Community Development Programs Report to Congress

    Office of Child Support Enforcement

    • 02/09/18 - FY 2016 Annual Report to Congress on the Child Support Program

    Office of Head Start

    • 01/04/18 - Biennial Report to Congress on the Status of Children in Head Start Programs
    • 04/05/18 - FY 2015 Head Start Monitoring Report to Congress

    Office of Refugee Resettlement

    • 05/29/18 - FY 2016 Annual Refugee Resettlement Report to Congress
  • Reports to Congress 2017

    Administration For Native Americans

    • 01/18/17 - FY 2014 Annual Report on Social and Economic Conditions of Native Americans
    • 10/26/17 - FY 2016 Report to Congress on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan

    Children's Bureau

    • 06/26/17 - 2010-2014 Child Welfare Outcomes Report
    • 10/19/17 - Report to Congress on State Child Welfare Expenditures CFS-101 Forms

    Family and Youth Services Bureau

    • 10/26/17 - FYs 2013-2014 Family Violence Presentation and Services Act

    Office of Child Care

    • 08/29/17 - Report to Congress on Child Care Waiver Approvals

    Office of Community Services

    • 09/20/17 - FY 2015 Assets for Independence Report

    Office of Family Assistance

    • 11/21/17 - The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program 12th Report to Congress

    Office of Refugee Resettlement

    • 01/18/17 - FY 2015 Refugee Resettlement Annual Report
  • Reports to Congress 2016

    Administration for Native Americans

    • 01/07/16 - FYs 2009-2012 Annual Reports on Social and Economic Conditions of Native Americans
    • 03/04/16 - FY 2013 Annual Report on Social and Economic Conditions of Native Americans
    • 03/04/16 - FY 2015 Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund Report
    • 06/13/16 - FY 2014 Outcome Evaluations of Administration for Native American Projects Report to Congress
    • 11/29/16 - FY 2015 Outcome Evaluations of Administration for Native American Projects Report to Congress

    Children's Bureau

    • 02/29/16 - Feasibility of Uniform Data Collection on "Shaken Baby Syndrome" of Abusive Head Trauma Report to Congress
    • 05/02/16 - Sixth Biennial Report to Congress on Evaluation, Research, and Technical Assistance Activities Supported by the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program
    • 06/09/16 - FY 2012 and FY 2014 Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for Children Affected by Substance Abuse: Third Annual Report to Congress
    • 08/23/16 - Report to Congress on the Coordination Efforts Related to Child Abuse and Neglect
    • 08/25/16 - Report to Congress on State Child Welfare Expenditures – CFS 101 Forms

    Office of Child Care

    • 07/15/16 - FY 2014 and FY 2015 Child Care and Development Fund Report

    Office of Child Support Enforcement

    • 01/07/16 - FY 2013 Annual Report to Congress on the Child Support Program
    • 05/13/16 - FY 2014 Annual Report to Congress on the Child Support Program
    • 12/07/16 - FY 2015 Annual Report to Congress on the Child Support Program

    Office of Community Services

    • 01/28/16 - FY 2011 & FY 2012 Annual CSBG Statistical Report and Report on Performance Outcomes
    • 03/21/16 - FY 2013 Report to Congress on Community Services Block Grant Discretionary Activities - Community Economic Development and Rural Community Development Programs
    • 05/02/16 - FY 2013 Annual CSBG Statistical Report and Report on Performance Outcomes
    • 06/22/16 - Assets for Independence Program for Fiscal Years 2012-2014 Report to Congress
    • 12/09/16 - FYs 2011-2014 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Report to Congress

    Office of Head Start

    • 02/29/16 - FY 2013 Biennial Report To Congress on the Status of Children in Head Start Programs
    • 06/20/16 - Report to Congress on American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Facilities
    • 11/16/16 - The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education Joint Interdepartmental Review of All Early Learning Programs for Children Less Than 6 Years of Age

    Office of Family Assistance

    • 03/10/16 - The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program Eleventh Report to Congress

    Office of Planning Research and Evaluation

    • 03/16/16 - Report to Congress on the Tribal Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program

    Office of Refugee Resettlement

    • 03/07/16 - FY 2014 Refugee Resettlement Annual Report
  • Reports to Congress 2015

    Administration on Children, Youth and Families

    • 03/03/15 - The Second Biennial Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of State Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Program and Technical Assistance
    • 03/04/15 - Fifth Biennial Report to Congress on Evaluation, Research, and Technical Assistance Activities Supported by the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program
    • 03/30/15 - FY 2012 Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for Children Affected by Substance Abuse: First Annual Report to Congress
    • 06/17/15 - FYs  2010-2013 Child Welfare Outcomes Report to Congress
    • 06/18/15 - Report to Congress on the National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect Supplementary Analysis
    • 07/20/15 - FY 2015 State Child Welfare State Expenditures CFS-101 Forms
    • 07/30/15 - FY 2012 Regional Partnership Grants to Increase the Well-Being of and to Improve the Permanency Outcomes for Children Affected by Substance Abuse: Second Annual Report to Congress

    Administration for Native Americans

    • 06/09/15 - FY 2014 Annual Report to Congress on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fun
    • 12/02/15 - FY 2013 Outcome Evaluation of Administration for Native Americans Projects Report

    Family and Youth Services Bureau

    • 06/05/15 - FYs 2011 -2012 Report to Congress on the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act

    Office of Child Care

    • 06/17/15 - Child Care and Development Fund Report to Congress

    Office of Child Support Enforcement

    • 03/11/15 - FY 2012 Annual Report to Congress on the Child Support Program

    Office of Community Services

    • 04/02/15 - FY 2012 Report to Congress on Community Services Block Grant Discretionary Activities - Community Economic Development and Rural Community Development Program
    • 05/18/15 - FY 2010 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
    • 12/22/15 - FY 2011 Annual Interim Report to Congress on Assets for Independence Program

    Office of Family Assistance

    • 06/22/15 - The Health Profession Opportunity Grants Program and Evaluation Portfolio Interim Report to Congress

    Office of Head Start

    • 03/11/15 - Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Report to Congress
    • 03/20/15 - Report to Congress on Head Start Program Emergency Preparedness
    • 07/01/15 - FY 2013 Head Start Monitoring Report to Congress
    • 07/30/15 - FY 2014 Head Start Monitoring Report to Congress

    Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation

    • 02/05/15 - Report to Congress on the National Evaluation of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV)

    Office of Refugee Resettlement

    • 03/04/15 - FY 2013 Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Report to Congress
Last Reviewed: January 10, 2019

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