What's New

Truvada for Adolescents

Truvada for Adolescents

The FDA has approved Truvada, in combination with safer sex practices, to reduce the risk of sexually acquired HIV in at-risk adolescents.


Managing HIV and Hepatitis C Outbreaks Among People Who Inject Drugs

Managing HIV and Hepatitis C Outbreaks Among People Who Inject Drugs

The opioid epidemic in the U.S. has substantially increased the risk of transmission of bloodborne viruses, including HIV and hepatitis C, through the use of shared equipment. The CDC has prepared a guide for state and local health departments.

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Protect Your Baby from Syphilis

Protect Your Baby from Syphilis

Congenital syphilis is on the rise. Learn what you need to know to protect your family.

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Get Yourself Tested

Get Yourself Tested

1 in 2 sexually active people will contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) by age 25. Don't wait. Get #TeSTD. Download our awareness poster in English and Spanish.

Get #TeSTD poster (English version)

Seniors: Safe Sex Means You, Too

Seniors: Safe Sex Means You, Too

Sexual activity is an important part of a healthy and fulfilling life for many seniors, including widowed and divorced people who have recently begun dating again.

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PrEP is Available: Protect Yourself

PrEP is Available: Protect Yourself

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a way for people who do not have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day. The pill contains two medicines, tenofovir and emtricitabine, that are used in combination with other medicines to treat HIV.

Find a PrEP site near you.

HIV and STD Services in New Jersey

HIV and STD Services in New Jersey

Find testing, counseling, clinics, and other support services near you with this comprehensive resource map of the state.

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HIV-Positive and Homeless?

HIV-Positive and Homeless?

No one who is HIV-positive in the state of New Jersey should be without safe, stable housing. 

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About Us

The mission of the Division of HIV, STD, and TB Services is to prevent and reduce the spread of HIV, STDs and TB and ensure that HIV-, STD- and TB-infected people and those at risk of infection have access to the care they need.

The Division uses its resources to help community-based networks deliver high-quality, comprehensive services that meet the language and cultural needs of the people they serve.

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HIV Care & Support Services

The Division facilitates a range of services and programs that provide testing, counseling, medical assistance, and other support to people living with HIV/AIDS.

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

The Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program strives to prevent and reduce the effects of STDs in New Jersey through prevention, education, screening, treatment, and surveillance.

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Tuberculosis (TB)

The Tuberculosis Control Program supports TB ambulatory care activities at the county, municipal and institutional level through the provision of health service grant funds, staff, medication, consultation and education.

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STD Awareness Posters

The Department is running public awareness campaigns about the dangers of syphilis and other STDs to infants, young adults, and seniors. Posters are available for download.

Get #TeSTD [English] [Spanish]
#Never2Old [English] [Spanish]
#teSTD4baby: Protect Your Baby from Syphilis [English] [Spanish]

Upcoming Events

The Division of HIV, STD and TB Services sponsors or promotes a number of HIV-related events annually to promote awareness to HIV-related prevention and treatment concerns.

Learn more

Last Reviewed: 9/7/2018