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Campaign Resources

Learn more about the health damage smoking causes — and help spread the word. CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers® campaign resources available here include buttons and badges, videos, social media content, print ads from the campaign, and more, often tailored for specific audiences.

If you are a CDC partner or member of the press, please see the Newsroom for more resources.

Share the Tipsmessages on your Web site

Badges and Buttons

Share the Tips messages on your Web site

Watch Tips television commercials and extended interviews


Watch Tips television commercials and extended interviews

Images optimized for sharing via Pinterest, Facebook, etc.

Images and Photos

Images optimized for sharing via Pinterest, Facebook, etc.

Download Center

Find many free materials for educational use at CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers Download Center, including:

  • Low-resolution TV, print, radio, online, and out-of-home ads
  • Continuous-loop videos
  • Public service announcements (PSAs) about quitting smoking and secondhand smoke (English and Spanish)

Visit the Media Campaign Resource Center for broadcast-quality ads, PSAs for media use, and materials for textbooks or as part of a media buy.

Additional Resources

For a list of agencies and organizations with more information on tobacco use visit our additional resources page.

To get involved in your state or community’s tobacco prevention efforts visit these sites to learn more.