Indiana Logo & TODS Program

Businesses serving travelers and tourists can have signs erected along Indiana highways and state roads under two programs offered by INDOT.

  • The Specific Services Sign program (also known as Logo Signs) permits eligible businesses to place their logos on Specific Service Sign panels that identify key services along designated freeways.
  • The Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) program provides directional signs for eligible tourist attractions located off the state rural roadway system.

INDOT administers both programs through a contractor – Indiana Logo Sign Group. The programs differ in the businesses they serve and the roads they are utilized upon.

Logo Signs

Logo Signs, technically referred to as Specific Service Signs, are a type of guide sign that is used on interstates and freeways. Logo Signs contain an individual business name/logo and directional information displayed on a blue background.

Logo Signs

Logo Signs may be erected and maintained within the right-of-way of the interstate highway system to give the traveling public specific information as to motorist services available on a crossroad or near an interchange. Logo Signs provide eligible businesses an opportunity to let motorists know that the businesses are located at the upcoming exit by displaying an easily recognizable logo.

Each business featured on Logo Signs must pay a monthly rental fee. Per the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Indiana Administrative Code, there are certain categories of businesses that are eligible for Logo signs. These include:

  • Gas
  • Food
  • Lodging 
  • Attractions
  • Campgrounds

The Logo Sign program was established statewide in 1988. Today there are approximately 700 separate sign panels featuring the logos of more than 2,500 businesses throughout Indiana.

TODS Signs

Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) are blue highway signs to inform motorists of businesses offering camping, recreational, attractions, and tourist services. TODS signs are guide signs for attractions that are installed on conventional state highways in rural areas.

The TODS program was established to provide motorists with directional information for tourist related businesses, services, and activities. TODS are two feet tall by six feet wide sign panels with reflective sheeting that provide business identification and directional information day and night. Each business featured on a TODS must pay an annual rental.

A variety of criteria govern the eligibility of business to be included on TODS signs. These criteria include:

  • Compliance with applicable regulations
  • Distance from highway
  • Available space for signage
  • Minimum annual attendance
  • Minimum hours and months of operation
  • Parking
  • Tourist traffic

Guide Sign Program

Guide signs are signs that show route designations, destinations, directions, distances, services, points of interest, or other geographical, recreational, or cultural interest information. INDOT and the Indiana Office of Tourism Development administer a guide sign program for qualified tourism destinations for the following types of guide signs:

  • Destination Signs
  • Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Signs
  • Supplemental Guide Signs
  • Community Wayfinding Signs

For more information, please refer to the Indiana Guide Sign Program Policy. The application form is on the last page of this policy.

Related Links

Contact the Indiana Logo Sign Group for additional information and to apply for the Specific Services Signs or Tourist Oriented Directional Signs programs.

Contact Information     

Joseph Bruno
Traffic Administration Engineer
100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN 925
Indianapolis, IN 46204