Biology and Biomedicine

USDA. Agricultural Research Service. National Agricultural Library (NAL).

AGRICOLA is the NAL catalog of agricultural and applied sciences from plants to animals to soil and crops. It holds one of the largest collections of veterinary and animal science information.

Years of coverage: 1970 - present
Subjects coverage: all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.
Content types: journal articles; bibliographies; monographs; symposia; meeting abstracts; conference proceedings; monographs in series; textbooks; newsletters; book chapters; technical reports; published theses; dissertations; reviews; patents; annual reports; guides; translated journals; teaching guides; curriculum materials; lesson plans; pamphlets; formularies; press releases; letters; editorials; research projects
Access: free online and by vendor

DHHS. National Library of Medicine.

The intent of the bibliography is to assist in identifying methods and procedures helpful in supporting the development, testing, application, and validation of alternatives to the use of vertebrates in biomedical research and toxicology testing. Contents are a subset of MEDLINE records.

Years of coverage: 1980 - present
Content types: journal articles
Access: free online

A database of ageing and life history in animals, including extensive longevity records. AnAge was primarily developed for comparative biology studies, in particular studies of longevity and ageing, but can also be useful for ecological and conservation studies and as a reference for zoos and field biologists.

Access: free online

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Centre for Documentation and Evaluation of Alternatives to Animal Experiments (ZEBET).

ZEBET is scientific institution that aims to bring about the replacement of legally prescribed animal experiments with alternative test methods, to reduce the number of test animals to the absolutely necessary level and to alleviate the pain and suffering of animals used in experiments. ZEBET is responsible for documenting alternatives to animal experiment, for assessing them, for recommending their use both nationally and internationally. They are also involved in research of their own to develop alternative methods.

Years of coverage: 2002 - present
Content types: books; journals; monographs; laws; regulations; directions; guidelines; recommendations; pharmacopoeia; dissertations; congress papers; proceedings of meetings; conferences; symposia
Access: free online


This database is an International Cooperative Information System which contains an abstracting and indexing service covering the world's literature on the science, technology, management, and conservation of marine, brackish water, and freshwater resources and environments, including their socioeconomic and legal aspects.

Years of coverage: 1971 - present
Content types: journal articles; books; reports; conference proceedings; translations; limited distribution literature
Access: fee based

Thompson Reuters.

Information from more than 6,000 national and international journals, serials, and proceedings, covering all aspects of the life science areas, including biomedicine, veterinary medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, genetics, agriculture, biotechnology, botany, ecology, and environmental sciences.

Years of Coverage: 1926 - present
Content types: books; monographs; conferences; symposia; meetings; journal articles; patents
Access: fee based


This international database covers the applied life sciences, including veterinary medicine, agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, and the environment. It covers topics such as animal science, animal health, animal production, molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, breeding, taxonomy, physiology and other aspects of pure science relating to organisms of agricultural, veterinary or environmental importance. It contains a vast amount of journals, books, and conference proceedings.

Years of coverage: 1972 - present
Content types: scientific journals; books;monographs in series; textbooks; technical reports; published theses; symposia; conference proceedings; review journals; selected patents; annual reports; bibliographies and guides; and translated journals
Access: fee based


This is a comprehensive international database on pharmacological and biomedical literature, similar to Medline. It contains drug-related and clinical literature, with a particular focus on comprehensive indexing of adverse drug reactions; emphasis on Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) indexing including systematic reviews, and coverage and indexing of journals and articles relevant to the development and use of medical devices.

Years of coverage: 1947 - present
Content types: journal articles; conference proceedings; symposia; meetings; books
Access: fee based


This database includes research on fish and other aquaculture species ranging from culture and propagation to genetics, behavior, ecology and habitat.

Years of coverage: 1970 - present
Content types: journal articles; books; monographs; pamphlets; conference proceedings; symposia; government reports; theses; dissertations
Access: fee based

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut de l'information Scientifique et Technique.

An interdisciplinary database created in France, covering subjects such as applied biology, psychology, pharmacology, medicine, toxicology, biotechnology, homeopathy, botany, agriculture, physics, chemistry, information science, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, earth sciences, oceanography and astronomy. Emphasis on European literature; breakdown of languages English 63%, French 12%, Russian 10%, German 8%, and other languages 7%.

Years of coverage: 1973- present
Content types: journal articles; reports; books and monographs; conferences; symposia; meetings; theses and dissertations; patents; proceedings
Access: fee based
