Program Complaints Division (PCD)

The Program Investigation Division’s (PID’s) mission is to independently and objectively investigate complaints that allege discrimination in United State Department of Agriculture’s conducted and/or assisted programs and activities


Archie Crawford

Archie Crawford

Chief, Programs Investigation Division

Archie Crawford began his tenure as Chief for the Programs Investigation Division with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in October 2014.  More …

What We Do

The investigative phase is an impartial process to determine the facts and evidence surrounding a complaint. The purpose of the investigation is to establish a fact-based, evidence-supported record of:

  • Actions and circumstances that led the complainant to believe that he or she was the victim of discrimination; and
  • Actions and circumstances that might explain the action of the agency alleged to have discriminated.


Types of Programs Investigated:

Federally Conducted” and “Federally Assisted” Programs

  • Conducted programs and activities occur where the benefit or service is provided directly to the Beneficiary by the USDA agency.
  • Assisted programs are those that involve Federal financial assistance to a recipient who in turn provides the benefit or service to the Beneficiary. The Recipient receives funding to distribute to the Beneficiary.