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GILs Records

These information resources are indexed according to the GILS guidelines described in The Government Information Locator Service: Report to the Information Infrastructure Task Force, April 28, 1994.

NLRB 0001 - Weekly Summary of NLRB Cases
Purpose: The Division of Information created a synopsis of NLRB materials for researchers who prefer a brief outline of NLRB cases and documents.
Originator: National Labor Relations Board Division of Information.
Access Constraints:None.
Use Constraints: None.
Distributor Name:
National Labor Relations Board
Division of Administration
Printing and Reproduction
1099 14th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20570
Resource Description: Publication W-2499
Record Resource: Division of Information.
Point of Contact:
Point of Contact Phone: (202) 273-1991
Date Last Modified:9/8/95
Agency Program: Public Information.
Sources of Data: NLRB
Controlled Vocabulary Index Terms: U.S. NLRB - NLRB Cases - Summary
Time Period: Weekly.


NLRB 0002 - Decisions and Orders of the National Labor Relations Board

Purpose: Legal Research.
Originator: Office of the Executive Secretary.
Access Constraints: The bound volumes are available for purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office; Department of Commerce's Economic Bulletin Board and WESTLAW and LEXIS (commercial legal databases).
Use Constraints: None.
Abstract: These volumes contain the adjudicative decisions of the Board and its related Administrative Law Judges' decisions.
Agency Program: Public information dissemination.
Distributor Name:
Superintendent of Documents
Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401
(202) 512-1800
Sources of Data: NLRB Main Library.
Controlled Vocabulary Index Terms: U.S. NLRB - Decisions

NLRB 0003 - Annual Report of the National Labor Relations Board

  • Office of the Chairman
  • Office of the General Counsel
Access Constraints:None
Use Constraints: None
Abstract: Pursuant to Section 3(c) of the Labor Management Relations Act, the NLRB submits an annual report to Congress on the status of its fiscal year operations. The report summarizes the disposition and administration of unfair labor practice cases, representation cases, and representation elections. The Annual Report also reviews the status of Supreme Court Contempt and Appellate Litigation.
Purpose: To annually apprise the executive and legislative branches of NLRB operations.
Agency Program: Annual Report
Controlled Vocabulary:
  • U.S. NLRB - Annual Report
  • U.S. NLRB - Functions
  • U.S. NLRB - Representation Cases
  • U.S. NLRB - Unfair Labor Practices
Point of Contact:
Division of Information
National Labor Relations Board
1099 14th Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20570
Point of Contact Phone: (202) 273-1991
Record Source: NLRB Main Library
Time Period: Annual


NLRB 0004 - National Labor Relations Board Election Report

Purpose: Research Information.
  • Division of Administration
  • Management Information Systems Branch
  • Statistical Services Unit
Access Constraints:None.
Use Constraints: None.
Abstract: The NLRB publishes a monthly election report that lists the results of employees' secret-ballot voting in NLRB- conducted representation cases. This compilation is arranged by union, with employer name and location.
Resource Description: Publication ER-385
Order Process: Requests for subscriptions of individual issues should be addressed to U.S. Government Printing Office.
Point of Contact:
Division of Information
National Labor Relations Board
1099 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20570
Point of Contact Phone: (202) 273-4186
Record Source: NLRB Main Library.
Date Last Modified:8/31/95
Agency Program: Public Information.
Sources of Data: NLRB
Controlled Vocabulary Index Terms: U.S. NLRB - Elections


NLRB 0005 - Speeches and Press Releases

Originator: Division of Information.
Purpose: To maintain a repository of press releases and selected speeches.
Access Constraints:None.
Use Constraints: None.
Abstract: The Division of Information maintains a file of press releases and a collection of selected Board Member and General Counsel speeches.
Resource Description: Text files.
Record Resource: Division of Information.
Point of Contact Phone: (202) 273-1991
Source of Data: NLRB.
Controlled Vocabulary Index Terms:
  • U.S. NLRB - Speeches
  • U.S. NLRB - General Counsel
  • U.S. NLRB - Board Members
Time Period: Irregular


NLRB 0006 - Classified Index - The Electronic Network (CITENET)

Abstract: This database provides on-line access to CITENET, the Classified Index of NLRB Decisions and Related Court Decisions. The user can conduct searches on the topical index and digest numbers.
  • N.L.R.B.
  • Division of Advice
  • Research and Policy Planning Branch
Access Constraints: None
Use Constraints: None
Distributor Name: N/A
Resource Description:Database
Point of Contact:
Division of Advice
Research and Policy Planning Branch
US National Labor Relations Board
1099 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20570
Record Source: Division of Advice , Research and Policy Planning Branch.
Agency Program: Information Systems
Source of Data: NLRB
Controlled Vocabulary Index Terms:
  • U.S. NLRB - Decisions - Databases
  • U.S. NLRB - Decisions - Index
Time Period: N/A


NLRB 0007 - NLRB Privacy Act Notices of Systems of Records

Abstract: A Privacy Act System of Records maintains information on individuals which may be searched by an individuals' name or other personal identifier, and may be in paper, electronic or other medium. In conformance with the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, the NLRB has compiled the following list of 20 Systems of Records identified as NLRB-1 through NLRB- 20. Pending adoption of proposed changes, the Agency's records are covered by its most recent complete notice issued 53 FR 17262 (May 16, 1988), and the additions of NLRB-17 issued in 55 FR 29918 ( July 23, 1990), NLRB-18 issued in 57 FR 11523 (April 3, 1992), NLRB-19 issued in 58 FR 50957 (September 29, 1993). and NLRB-20 issued in 58 FR 57572 October 26, 1993).
NLRB-1 Accounting Records Financial
NLRB-2 Applicant Files for Attorney and Field Examiner Positions
NLRB-3 Biographical Data File Presidential Appointees
NLRB-4 Claim Records
NLRB-5 Employment and Performance Records, Attorneys and Field Examiners
NLRB-6 Employment and Performance Records, Nonprofessionals and Non legalProfessionals
NLRB-7 Grievances, Appeals, Complaints, and Related Litigation Records
NLRB-8 Health Maintenance Program Records
NLRB-9 Occupational Injury and Illness Records
NLRB-10 Pay Records-Retirement, NLRB-11 Payroll--Finance Records and
NLRB-12 Profiling Communications
NLRB-13 Time and Attendance Records (consolidated)
NLRB-14 Equal Employment Opportunity Program Management System
NLRB-15 Employee Counsel Services Program Records
NLRB-16 Investigative Services Case Files
NLRB-17 Personnel Security Records
NLRB-18 Office of the Inspector General Files
NLRB-19 Telephone Call Detail Records
NLRB-20 Agency Disciplinary Case Files
  • NLRB
  • Library and Administrative Services Branch
  • Records Management Section
Access Constraints: Until further notice, information regarding these records will be found on the World Wide Web at GPO Access. Access to these records is severely restricted. Disclosure of these records can be made only: 1) as specified by the Privacy Act and the Federal Register noticedescribing the system; 2) to the individuals who are subjects of Privacy Act records.
Use Constraints: Use of this data is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974
(5 U.S.C. 552a)
Distributor Name: N/A
Resource Description: Print File
Point of Contact:
Records Management Section
US National Labor Relations Board
1099 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20570
Record Source:
  • Library & Administrative Services Branch,
  • Records Management Section.
  • Management Information Systems Branch.
Agency Program: Privacy Act
Source of Data: NLRB
Controlled Vocabulary Index Terms: Privacy - Government Employees
  • Records - Federal Agencies
  • U.S. NLRB - Privacy Act - Systems of Records
Time Period: N/A

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