The SEER Inquiry System (SINQ) is a searchable collection of questions that cancer registrars have had while coding cancer cases. These are questions submitted by designated registrars in SEER registries. The questions are answered by expert staff and go through a rigorous review process by NCI SEER staff and designated SEER registry staff before being added to SINQ.

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Summary Stage Manual 2018—Lymphoma:  SEER Summary Stage 2000 states: For lymphomas, any mention of lymph nodes is indicative of involvement and is used to determine the number and location of lymph node chains involved (see lymphoma scheme).  This statement is not in SEER Summary Stage 2018. Does that mean we follow rules #4-7, pages 14-15, under Code 3: Regional Lymph Nodes only, for every site, including lymphoma?

Final Sep 20 2018

Reportability--Corpus uteri: Is endometrial atypical complex hyperplasia/borderline endometrial adenocarcinoma (FIGO 1), (mucinous type), (no invasion of myometrium) reportable?

Final Sep 20 2018

Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple primaries--Breast:  How many primaries should be abstracted when papillary carcinoma is identified in two biopsies and a subsequent lumpectomy identified invasive ductal carcinoma with multifocal ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)?  See Discussion.

Final Sep 11 2018

Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Cervix uteri:  What is the correct histology code for malignant mixed Mullerian tumor (MMMT/Carcinosarcoma)?  See Discussion.

Final Aug 31 2018

Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Lung:  The Histology coding guidelines for lung cancer state to code histology when stated as type or subtype but not to code when described as pattern. How should the histology be coded (Adeno, NOS or Adeno, Mixed subtypes) if the College of Americal Pathologists Protocol of the pathology report lists the following: Histologic type: Adenocarcinoma, papillary (90%), lepidic (8%), and solid (2%) patterns?

Final Aug 31 2018

Immunotherapy:  Is immunotherapy ever palliative treatment according to any oncologists or SEER?

Final Aug 28 2018

Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Recurrence--Breast:  Does any recurrence within the multiple primaries-stated timeframe count, not those just in the primary site?  See Discussion.

Final Aug 28 2018

Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How is histology coded when a lymph node excisional biopsy shows Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL), predominantly in diffuse T-cell histiocyte rich large B-cell lymphoma-like (THRLBCL) pattern.  Comment states: The findings are that of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma with diffuse T-cell rich pattern (T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma-like). This variant is regarded as clinically more advanced. See Discussion.

Final Aug 13 2018

Primary Site:  How should primary site be coded when there is an invasive tumor in one subsite and an in situ tumor in another subsite of the breast?  See Discussion.

Final Aug 09 2018

Primary Site--Ovary:  How should primary site be coded for a previously diagnosed ovarian cancer which is now being reclassified as fallopian tube?  See Discussion.

Final Aug 01 2018
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