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Title Pub Number Date PDF
Active Traffic Management: The Next Step in Congestion Management FHWA-PL-07-012 July 2007 PDF (9.5 mb)
Advanced Traveler Information Systems in Europe FHWA-PL-03-005 August 2003 PDF (1.2 mb)
Asphalt Pavement Warranties Technology and Practice in Europe FHWA-PL-04-002 November 2003 PDF (1.0 mb)
Assuring Bridge Safety and Serviceability in Europe FHWA-PL-10-014 August 2010 PDF (1.9 mb)
Audit Stewardship and Oversight of Large and Innovatively Funded Projects in Europe FHWA-PL-07-001 March 2007 PDF (2.4 mb)
Austroads National Performance Indicators FHWA-PL-11-024 May 2011 PDF (1 mb)
Bridge Evaluation Quality Assurance in Europe FHWA-PL-08-016 March 2008 PDF (3.6 mb)
Bridge Preservation and Maintenance in Europe and South Africa FHWA-PL-05-002 April 2005 PDF (62 mb)
Commercial Motor Vehicle Size and Weight Enforcement in Europe FHWA-PL-07-002 July 2007 PDF (7.6 mb)
Commercial Vehicle Safety Technology and Practice in Europe FHWA-PL-00-010 May 2000 PDF (1.5 mb)
Construction Management Practices In Canada and Europe FHWA-PL-05-010 March 2005 PDF (1.6 mb)
Contract Administration Techniques for Quality Enhancement FHWA-PL-95-019 June 1994
Contract Administration: Technology and Practice in Europe FHWA-PL-02-016 October 2002 PDF (1.8 kb)
Developing Multilevel Memorandums of Understanding With Utility Companies FHWA-PL-12-025 August 2012 PDF (465 mb)
Emerging Models for Delivering Transportation Programs and Services NCHRP Report 236 PDF (9.2 mb)
European Practices in Transportation Workforce Development June 2003 PDF (0.4 mb)
European Right-of-Way and Utilities Best Practices FHWA-PL-02-013 August 2002 PDF (969 kb)
European Roadway Lighting Techniques and Technologies FHWA-PL-01-034 September 2001 PDF (1.5 mb)
FHWA International Scanning Tour of Advanced Transportation Technology FHWA-PL-95-027 December 1994
FHWA Scanning Report on Traffic Management and Traveler Information Systems FHWA-PL-98-010 March 2001 PDF (0.2 mb)
FHWA Study Tour for Advanced Composites in Bridges in Europe and Japan October 1997
FHWA Study Tour for Bridge Maintenance Coatings FHWA-PL-96-031 January 1997 PDF (4.9 mb)
FHWA Study Tour for European Intermodal Programs: Planning, Policy and Technology FHWA-PL-94-038 September 1994
FHWA Study Tour for European Traffic Monitoring Programs and Technologies PDF (7.3 mb)
FHWA Study Tour for Highway Safety Management Practices in Japan, Australia and New Zealand FHWA-PL-95-045 June 1995
FHWA Study Tour for Highway/Commercial Vehicle Interaction FHWA-PL-96-027 September 1996 PDF (7.5 mb)
FHWA Study Tour for National Surveys FHWA-PL-95-003 September 1994
FHWA Study Tour for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety in England, Germany and The Netherlands FHWA-PL-95-006 October 1994
FHWA Study Tour of Northumberland Strait Crossing Project FHWA-PL-96-022 July 1996 PDF (4.3 mb)
FHWA Study Tour of Road Safety Audits - Case Studies and Checklists FHWA-PL-98-009 October 1997
FHWA Study Tour of Road Safety Audits - Final Report FHWA-PL-98-008 October 1997
FHWA Study Tour of Speed Management and Enforcement Technology: Europe and Australia FHWA-PL-96-006 December 1995
FHWA Tour for Geotechnology - Soil Nailing FHWA-PL-90-020 December 1997
Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe FHWA-PL-11-004 March 2011 PDF (3.7 mb)
Freight Mobility and Intermodal Connectivity in China FHWA-PL-08-020 May 2008 PDF (2 mb)
Freight Transportation: The European Market FHWA-PL-02-009 June 2002 PDF (3.4 mb)
Freight Transportation: The Latin American Market FHWA-PL-03-013 August 2003 PDF (7 mb)
Geometric Design Practices for European Roads FHWA-PL-01-026 June 2001 PDF (2.0 mb)
Georgia DOT and NETIVEI Israel Asset Management Exchanges - Synthesis Report May 2014 PDF (332 kb)
Geotechnical Practices in Canada and Europe FHWA-PL-99-013 March 1999 PDF (0.6 mb)
Getting Started in Agency Risk Management PDF (353 kb)
Guide to Risk Assessment and Allocation for Highway Construction Management FHWA-PL-06-032 October 2006 PDF (9.45 mb)
Halving Roadway Fatalities: A Case Study from Victoria, Australia 1989-2004 FHWA-PL-06-011 March 2006 PDF (0.8 mb)
Highway Snowstorm Countermeasures Manual: Snowbreak Forest Book FHWA-PL-97-010 March 1990 PDF (8.3 mb)
Improving Safety and Mobility for Older Road Users in Australia and Japan FHWA-PL-09-001 October 2008 PDF (4 mb)
Infrastructure Countermeasures to Mitigate Motorcyclist Crashes in Europe FHWA-PL-12-028 August 2012 PDF (1.0 mb)
Innovative Technology for Accelerated Construction of Bridge and Embankment Foundations in Europe FHWA-PL-03-014 September 2003 PDF (8.9 mb)
Innovative Traffic Controls Technology and Practice in Europe FHWA-PL-00-021 August 1999 PDF (2.7 mb)
Integrating Active Traffic and Travel Demand Management: A Holistic Approach to Congestion Management FHWA-PL-11-011 January 2011 PDF (1 mb)
Intelligent Transportation Systems and Winter Operations In Japan FHWA International Technology Exchange Programs FHWA-PL-03-016 April 2003
International Guide to Highway Transportation Information FHWA-PL-01-017 March 2001
Joint FHWA and Rijkswaterstaat Report 'Resilient Infrastructure' January 2016 PDF (3.5 mb)
Key Performance Indicators in Public-Private Partnerships FHWA-PL-10-029 March 2011 PDF (2.3 mb)
Linking Transportation Performance and Accountability FHWA-PL-10-011 April 2010 PDF (1.89 kb)
Long-Life Concrete Pavements in Europe and Canada FHWA-PL-07-027 August 2007 PDF (6.8 mb)
Managing and Organizing Comprehensive Highway Safety Programs in Europe FHWA-PL-03-006 April 2003 PDF (0.6 mb)
Managing Pavements and Monitoring Performance: Best Practices in Australia, Europe, and New Zealand - Executive Summary FHWA-PL-12-032 August 2012
Managing Pavements and Monitoring Performance: Best Practices in Australia, Europe, and New Zealand - Report HWA-PL-12-031 August 2012 PDF (1.53 mb)
Managing Travel Demand: Applying European Perspectives to U.S. Practice FHWA-PL-06-015 May 2006 PDF (7.5 mb)
Meeting the 21st Century Challenges of System Performance Through Better Operations
Methods and Procedures to Reduce Motorist Delay in Construction Zones FHWA-PL-00-001 October 2000 PDF (0.8 mb)
Outdoor Advertising Control Practices in Australia, Europe, and Japan FHWA-PL-11-023 May 2011 PDF (7.1 mb)
Pavement Preservation Technology in France, South Africa and Australia FHWA-PL-03-001 October 2002 PDF (0.9 mb)
Performance of Concrete Segmental and Cable Stayed Bridges in Europe FHWA-PL-01-019 May 2001 PDF (4.3 mb)
Policy Instruments for Managing European Union Road Safety Targets: Carrots, Sticks, or Sermons? An Analysis and Suggestions for the United States FHWA-PL-12-024 July 2012 PDF (542 kb)
Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems in Japan and Europe FHWA-PL-05-003 March 2005 PDF (4.5 mb)
Public Policies for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility FHWA-PL-10-028 September 2010 PDF (1.7 mb)
Public-Private Partnerships for Highway Infrastructure: Capitalizing on International Experience FHWA-PL-09-010 March 2009 PDF (3.2 kb)
Quiet Pavement Systems in Europe April 2005 PDF (1.7 mb)
Recycled Materials in European Highway Environments: Uses, Technologies, and Policies FHWA-PL-00-025 October 2000 PDF (1.7 mb)
Reducing Congestion and Funding Transportation Using Road Pricing in Europe and Singapore FHWA-PL-10-030 December 2010 PDF (4.2 mb)
Report on the 1990 European Asphalt Study Tour PDF (2.0 mb)
Report on the 1995 Scanning Review of European Bridge Structures NHCRP Report 381 PDF (4.8 mb)
Report on the 1997 Scanning Review of Asian Bridge Structures NHCRP Report 232 PDF (4.6 mb)
Roadway Human Factors and Behavioral Safety in Europe FHWA-PL-05-005 May 2005 PDF (3.5 mb)
Safety Applications of ITS Systems in Europe and Japan FHWA-PL-06-001 January 2006 PDF (3.6 mb)
Scanning Review of European Practice for Bridge Scour, 1998 and Stream Instability Countermeasures NHCRP Report 241 PDF (1.5 mb)
Setting Safety Performance Measures in Australia and New Zealand: Lessons for the United States FHWA-PL-11-018 May 2011 PDF (2.1 mb)
Signalized Intersection Safety in Europe FHWA-PL-03-020 December 2003 PDF (2.1 mb)
Steel Bridge Fabrication Technologies in Europe and Japan FHWA-PL-01-018 March 2001 PDF (3.3 mb)
Streamlining and Integrating Right-of-Way and Utility Processes With Planning, Environmental, and Design Processes in Australia and Canada FHWA-PL-09-011 June 2009 PDF (24 mb)
Summary of FHWA International Scanning Program For Pavement Preservation France, South Africa and Australia July 6 – 22, 2001 FHWA-PL-97-027 July 2001
Superior Materials, Advanced Test Methods, and Specifications in Europe FHWA-PL-04-007 April 2004 PDF (2 mb)
Sustainable Transportation Practices in Europe FHWA-PL-02-006 November 2001 PDF (1.0 mb)
Synthesis Report: Australia Program FHWA-Pl-18-009 January 2018 PDF (262 KB)
Traffic Incident Response: Practices in Europe FHWA-PL-06-002 February 2006 PDF (7.3 mb)
Traffic Safety Information Systems in Europe and Australia FHWA-PL-04-010 September 2004 PDF (20.6 mb)
Transportation Asset Management In Australia, Canada, England, and New Zealand FHWA-PL-05-019 November 2005 PDF (8.7 mb)
Transportation Performance Measures in Australia, Canada, Japan, and New Zealand FHWA-PL-05-001 December 2004 PDF (5.7 mb)
Transportation Research Program Administration in Europe and Asia FHWA-PL-09-015 July 2009 PDF (2.68 mb)
Transportation Risk Management: International Practices for Program Development and Project Delivery - Executive Summary FHWA-PL-12-030 August 2012 PDF (1.60 kb)
Transportation Risk Management: International Practices for Program Development and Project Delivery - Report FHWA-PL-12-029 PDF (3.13 mb)
Transportation Risk Management: Strategies for Success - Brochure PDF (367 kb)
Traveler Information Systems in Europe FHWA-PL-03-005 April 2003 PDF (1.1 mb)
Tunnel Fire Protection Using Fixed Firefighting Systems: Advanced Practices from Australia and New Zealand FHWA-PL-18-030 September 2018 PDF (3.9 mb)
U.S. Study Tour of European Concrete Highways 1992 PDF (0.1 mb)
Underground Transportation Systems in Europe: Safety, Operations, and Emergency Response FHWA-PL-06-016 June 2006 PDF (3.6 mb)
Understanding the Policy and Program Structure of National and International Freight Corridor Programs in the European Union FHWA-PL-12-023 August 2012 PDF (1.34 mb)
Warm Mix Asphalt: European Practice FHWA-PL-08-007 February 2008 PDF (8 mb)
Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Across European Highways FHWA-PL-02-011 August 2002 PDF (2.2 mb)
Page last modified on September 21, 2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000