
Pigs at Keenbell Farm

Iowa State University. Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.

Information about hoop structures for swine. Includes full-text research reports pertaining to animal behavior and environment, manure management, health issues, societal issues and other systems.

USDA. Agricultural Research Service.

Lists chronologically all swine research projects conducted by the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

USDA. Economic Research Service.

Summarizes major issues and drivers within the U.S. hog industry, including market reports, policy concerns, and trade statistics.

Environmental Protection Agency.

Traces the evolution of pork production in the United States, assesses the economic value of pork to American agriculture, and describes the typical production and manure handling systems in use today.

U.S. Pork Center of Excellence.

Organizes swine production information according to the following categories: business management, swine health, animal behavior and welfare, breeding, nutrition, facilities, and worker safety. Delivers articles, factsheets, statistics, and databases.