Current Congress

Capitol Building with Scaffolding
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The 115th United States Congress is the current meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government. The following sections provide information and analyses of congressional activity, including select legislation introduced in the 115th Congress that is relevant to NCI. The bills highlighted in this section should not be considered an exhaustive account of all legislation that could impact NCI or biomedical research. Information about bills that have become law can be found under Recent Public Laws.

Biomedical Research Legislation

Proposed legislation affecting biomedical research policy, such as reauthorization of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and other measures affecting how biomedical research is performed.

Cancer Research Legislation

Proposed legislation specific to cancer research conducted or supported by NCI or other federal agencies.

Federal Health Legislation

Selected proposed legislation affecting cancer-related federal health care issues. In this section, you will also find proposed legislative initiatives for related federal agencies, such as the US Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Congressional Resolutions

These resolutions provide a formal expression of opinion or proposals for action on cancer-related topics, such as raising awareness and promoting outreach efforts for various cancers. Resolutions are legislative measures that do not require approval by the President and do not hold the weight of law.

Budget and Appropriations Status

Information on the status of budget and appropriations legislation in the current Congress, including a recap of the previous year’s appropriations request.

  • Updated: July 9, 2018