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Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Transportation Security Administration

For Employees

Current Weather Emergency Information for TSA Employees

Ensure your Safe Haven information is updated and current.

An evacuation order has been issued for Hurricane Michael. You or your family members may contact the Help Desk by calling (877) 872-7990 or TTY (877) 872-7992.

The following information will be requested and communicated to TSA leadership:


Job title

Airport code

Last four digits of your Social Security Number

Date of birth

Phone number

Employee status (e.g., available to work, evacuating, injured, family injured)

The Help Desk will operate 24 hours a day until the designated disaster has ended.

Additional hurricane preparedness information is available for employees and supervisors

For additional human capital information, including policies, visit HCAccess.

TSANews Employee App


The TSANews employee app gives employees access to non-sensitive TSA internal communications including:

  • News stories
  • Videos
  • TSABroadcast email messages
  • Airport specific news and announcements
  • TSA-wide job listings

For information on how to download the app, email your question.