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Choosing healthy foods is a smart thing to do—no matter how old you are! Maintaining a healthy weight and getting needed nutrients is one of the most important things you can do for healthy aging. 

In the News


Know Your Food Groups

Food groups include grains, proteins, fruits, vegetables, dairy, oils, and solid fats and added sugars. Learn about each group.
Bibimbop brown rice bowl

Smart Food Choices for Healthy Aging

Make smart food choices—like choosing nutrient-dense foods over calorie-dense ones—for healthy aging. Learn how small substitutions can make a big difference.
Chicken noodle soup

Shopping for Food That's Good for You

Eating healthy food on a budget starts with the right grocery list! These tips can help older people shop for nutritious food, even on a fixed income.
Older man choosing leafy green vegetables at the grocery store

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Balancing calories in and calories out is key to maintaining a healthy weight. Learn how physical activity and healthy eating can help.
Unused bathroom scale

USDA Food Patterns

The USDA Food Patterns can help you keep an eye on the calories you eat. For a balanced diet, choose healthy foods from five major food groups.
2 forks- one with lettuce, cheese and tomato; one with steak and herbs

Vitamins and Minerals

Older adults may have different vitamin and mineral needs than younger adults. Find recommended amounts and information on calcium, sodium, vitamin D, and more.
Variety of vitamins in a person's hand.

Getting Enough Fluids

Drinking enough fluids helps you digest food, absorb nutrients, and get rid of waste. Read these tips to help you get enough fluids.
Grandmother drinking water with her grandson

Reading Food Labels

Reading food labels can help you make smart food choices. Learn how to read and understand the product date, ingredients list, and nutrition facts label.
Samples of food labels

Food Safety

Practice food safety to avoid getting sick from your food. When cooking—clean, separate, cook, chill. Learn how.
Eggs with a sticky note saying "Food Safety" on top

DASH Eating Plan

Studies have shown that following the DASH diet can lower high blood pressure, or hypertension. Read about healthy eating and diet tips from the DASH plan.
Quinoa salad with black beans and vegetables