Social Media Services (no PIA)

Services with agency TOS approval, but no agency-wide PIA

The following services have approved Terms of Service for DOI-wide use, however, no DOI-wide PIA has been crafted. Each bureau is required to complete its own PIA and Records work, in order to use these services with a public audience. A lower bar exists for their use with DOI employees (Note Pixlr). 


We’re open to your suggestions on CrowdHall beyond the standard SocMed guidance.


We’re open to your suggestions on Eventbrite beyond the standard SocMed guidance.


We’re open to your suggestions on Sketchfab beyond the standard SocMed guidance.


We’re open to your suggestions on Snapchat beyond the standard SocMed guidance. Currently, the Department only has one account (usinterior) as it explores the best way for the Department to use this platform. All field locations can (and are encouraged) to use the account.


We’re open to your suggestions on Storify beyond the standard SocMed guidance.


We’re open to your suggestions on SurveyMonkey beyond the standard SocMed guidance.


Pixlr (the image editing service at is winding through our approval process, with every expectation of full approval.  Our Solicitor has approved the TOS for image-editing purposes and since our use of Pixlr will not involve providing images to Pixlr for storage or editing, the Privacy Office may be cleared soon.  That said, here is our Pixlr guidance:

  • Do not create a account, do not log-in to, and do not upload any images of human beings to
  • Feel free to load and edit images in the browser-based image-editor.


Thunderclap is a crowdspeaking platform that let’s a single message be mass-shared on social media (Twitter and Facebook) at the same time.

We currently have TOS for Thunderclap and are in the process of getting a PIA in place. If your Bureau would like to use Thunderclap before we finalize an Interior-wide PIA, you will need to do a PIA for Thunderclap for your Bureau.

You can support a Thunderclap campaign without the PIA in place so long as it meets your current Privacy guidelines for Twitter. Thunderclap does not let you support a campaign from a Facebook Page. If you choose to support a campaign, make sure it directly relates to your Bureau's mission and work. Do not support Thunderclap campaigns that don't further mission, even if it is a campaign that is organized by another government agency or Bureau.


See YouTube guidance for general usage and 508 requirements.

Note that Interior’s Office of the Solicitor has stated that Vimeo accounts for internal file-sharing do not qualify for Vimeo’s free service and must be paid for.

Naturally, we’re open to your suggestions on Vimeo beyond the standard SocMed guidance.