Vital Signs

About Vital Signs

CDC launched a program called CDC Vital Signs, which includes an MMWR Early Release, a fact sheet and website, a media release, and a series of announcements via social media tools.

Vital Signs will be released the first Tuesday of every month. Issues include colorectal and breast cancer screening, obesity, alcohol and tobacco use, HIV testing, seat belt use, cardiovascular disease, teen pregnancy and healthcare-associated infections, asthma, and foodborne disease.

CDC Vital Signs

General Vital Signs
CDC Vital Signs™ – Learn about the latest public health data. Read CDC Vital Signs™…
CDC Vital Signs™ – Learn about the latest public health data. Read CDC Vital Signs™…

2018 Vital Signs Buttons

Learn Vital Information about Million HeartsExternal

Closely monitor babies born to mothers with Zika during pregnancy, even if they appear healthy at birth. Detecting problems early can make a difference. External

Learn Vital Information about Suicide rising across the US

Learn Vital Information about Illnesses on the rise

Opioid Overdoses Treated in Emergency DepartmentsExternal

Healthcare providers can provide personalized asthma action plans for kids with asthma.External

Improve safe sleep practices. Advise caregivers to place babies on their back for every sleep.External

Page last reviewed: June 7, 2018