Community Insights: Building Larger Partnerships in the Federal Grant Community

Community Insights is a new series that highlights advice and wisdom gleaned from the federal grant community. The posts excerpted in this series will have appeared already within’s Twitter and the Community Forum channels.

In this blog post, we’re featuring an exchange between applicants about creative ways to build partnerships when federal funding opportunities appear limited. A special thanks to Twila Nesky for taking the time to share her wisdom with the community.

Community Insights

‘A Truly Creative Endeavor’

Q: Hello everyone, I am interested to learn about how you all are being more creative in your approach to funding when the Federal funding is limited. 

Continue reading Community Insights: Building Larger Partnerships in the Federal Grant Community

New System Enhancements for Users at Grant-Making Agencies

Recent updates to the system have brought welcome new features for users at federal grant-making agencies. These enhancements are discussed in detail in the online user guide. Below, we provide an overview of the changes, along with links to help resources.

New: Login with your PIV card

Grantors can now link a PIV or CAC card to their account. Doing so will give users the option of accessing their account with either the PIV/CAC card or their username and password.

Help Article | Video

Continue reading New System Enhancements for Users at Grant-Making Agencies

#FundingFriday: Federal Grant Programs Supporting Community Development, Refugees and Environmental Protection

If you don’t have time to regularly browse the funding opportunities posted on, consider setting up a saved search that will ping you every time a grant relevant to your interests is posted to

You may also want to download the official mobile app (App Store | Google Play), which makes it easy to browse and subscribe to opportunities while you’re on the move – or on the couch.

Here’s a selection of new funding opportunity announcements that have been posted to in recent days.

Funding Friday Community Blog Series Banner

Refugee Individual Development Accounts (IDA) Program (Forecast)

  • Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families – ORR
  • Estimated Closing Date: April 28, 2019
  • The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces funding for the Refugee Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) Program, which establishes and manages Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) for low-income refugee participants. Eligible refugee participants who enroll in these projects will open and contribute systematically to IDAs for specified Savings Goals, including home ownership, business capitalization, vehicles for educational or work purposes, professional certification, and education (limited to postsecondary and/or continuing education, college entrance exam fees, Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and General Education Development (GED) Diploma preparation and test fees).

Continue reading #FundingFriday: Federal Grant Programs Supporting Community Development, Refugees and Environmental Protection

#FundingFriday: Federal Grant Opportunities Supporting the Humanities, Languages and History

This week’s edition of #FundingFriday highlights grant programs from the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Park Service, and National Science Foundation. These programs support humanities-related research, preservation and expression.

Funding Friday Community Blog Series Banner

Dialogues on the Experience of War

  • National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Current Closing Date for Applications: November 15, 2018
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities offers the Dialogues on the Experience of War (Dialogues) program as part of its current initiative, Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War. The program supports the study and discussion of important humanities sources about war, in the belief that these sources can help U.S. military veterans and others think more deeply about the issues raised by war and military service. Dialogues is primarily designed to reach military veterans; however, men and women in active service, military families, and interested members of the public may also participate.

Continue reading #FundingFriday: Federal Grant Opportunities Supporting the Humanities, Languages and History

Federal Grants Policy: 5 Highlights from OMB Memo M-18-24

A memorandum released by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on September 5, 2018, outlined a range of steps that the Federal Government is taking to reduce grant recipient reporting burden. You can read the memo in full here.

Office of Management and Budget

Below, we highlight a few of the key takeaways relevant to the federal grants community:

Continue reading Federal Grants Policy: 5 Highlights from OMB Memo M-18-24

#FundingFriday: 5 Federal Grants Supporting Literacy and Cultural Preservation

This week’s edition of #FundingFriday features a range of federal grants supporting libraries, museums and translation.

Funding Friday Community Blog Series Banner

National Leadership Grants for Libraries

Institute of Museum and Library Services
National Leadership Grants for Libraries support projects that enhance the quality of library and archives services nationwide by advancing theory and practice.

Closing Date: March 20, 2019


Continue reading #FundingFriday: 5 Federal Grants Supporting Literacy and Cultural Preservation

Peer Review Panels and the Federal Grant Application Evaluations Process

When preparing your federal grant application, you would do well to put yourself – and your team – in the shoes of the people who will be evaluating it. In this post, we will look specifically at grant opportunities that are evaluated (at least in part) with the aid of a peer review panel (Note: Not all are evaluated in this way).

grant writing basics icon

What Is a Peer Review?

Continue reading Peer Review Panels and the Federal Grant Application Evaluations Process

Pop Quiz: Do You Really Know What a Grant Is?

Thousands of you have read the What Is a Grant? blog series, but did you retain the information? We hope to make all the teachers out there proud with a friendly pop-quiz.

Instructions: Click the response you think is correct. Every response provides feedback. You may use the blog search for hints.

Continue reading Pop Quiz: Do You Really Know What a Grant Is?

What Is a CFDA Number?

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), an E-Gov initiative managed by the General Services Administration (GSA), is a list of all federal financial assistance and nonfinancial assistance programs available to a variety of applicants.

The CFDA, now called Assistance Listings on, helps users find general information about the assistance, identify program objectives, eligibility requirements, and links to current opportunities on related to a particular assistance listing.

CFDA numbers are the system for identifying and sorting the 2,000+ federal programs. Each CFDA number contains five digits and appears in the following format: ##.### (e.g., 10.001 or 98.102).

What Is a Grant? Community Blog Series banner

GSA recently moved the CFDA from the now retired to, and it is now referred to as Assistance Listings.

To search the Assistance Listings, go to, select the “Assistance Listings” option from the search drop-down menu, then type a keyword or number and click the Search button. Here’s a direct link to the Assistance Listings as well.

Continue reading What Is a CFDA Number?

Misconceptions about Government Grants | #GrantChat Highlights Part 2

What do you think of when you hear “government grants”? One thing we have learned as a program is this—a person or organization’s specific desires and goals shape how they re-define “government grants” so that they should receive funding. This re-defining of grants to suit ones needs has led to many misconceptions about what federal grants are actually for.

Misconceptions about government grants #grantchat

Continue reading Misconceptions about Government Grants | #GrantChat Highlights Part 2