Key Issues > Transparency of Federal Data
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Transparency of Federal Data

Public access to reliable and complete federal financial and performance data can foster transparency, improve oversight, and enhance public participation. 

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Financial Transparency

The federal government spends over $3.7 trillion every year, but tracking this money is difficult because spending data are often incomplete or inaccurate. Currently, the primary website that tracks federal financial spending,, only provides data on how much the government spends on federal grants and contracts and in 2012 there were major weaknesses in the quality of the data it contained.

The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act) offers the promise of improving the usefulness, accuracy, and transparency of federal financial information once it is fully implemented. The DATA Act requires government-wide reporting on a greater variety of federal funds as well as tracking of these funds at multiple points in the federal spending lifecycle. The act also calls for the federal government to set government-wide data standards, identify ways to reduce reporting burdens, and regularly review data quality to help improve the transparency and accountability of federal spending data.
Some of the issues that remain include the following:

For an overview of the DATA Act's requirements and information related to initial efforts to establish government-wide data standards, see the infographic below.

GAO-16-261: 2015 DATA Act Infographic

Performance Transparency supports transparency and decision making. It reports on the federal government’s goals, as well as its progress in meeting those goals. It supports transparency and decision making.

The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA) requires that federal agencies’ strategic plans, performance reports, and other important performance information be published on GPRAMA also requires OMB—which runs—to post and update agency priority goals (APG) and cross-agency priority (CAP) goals. APGs are usually the agencies’ highest priority performance goals, while CAP goals improve coordination and management across the federal government. Federal agencies posted APGs and CAP goals on for the first time in 2013., however, does not meet some of the requirements for federal websites and has limited usability and effectiveness. Its challenges include an inconsistent user experience and problems with navigation and search capability. The website also lacks a strategic plan to guide future development efforts, as well as an archiving plan to retain data and content.

Additionally, OMB’s customer outreach strategy for does not:

(1) inform users of changes to the website,
(2) discuss social media as a method of communication, or
(3) consider the best use of mobile devices and applications.

These issues with must be addressed in order for the website to be transparent and useful to the public.

Looking for our recommendations? Click on any report to find each associated recommendation and its current implementation status.


The DATA ActFriday, January 29, 2016
  • portrait of Triana McNeil
  • portrait of Paula Rascona
    • Paula Rascona
    • Director, Financial Management and Assurance
    • (202) 512-9816
  • portrait of Michelle Sager
    • Michelle Sager
    • Director, Strategic Issues
    • (202) 512-2712