Information Quality Guidelines

This site presents the HHS Information Quality Guidelines, the supporting administrative mechanisms to request correction of information covered under the guidelines, and the HHS Peer Review Agenda. The HHS Guidelines were developed in accordance with the provisions of P.L. 106-554 and OMB government-wide requirements directing all federal agencies to issue guidelines for ensuring the quality of the information that they disseminate to the public. The HHS Guidelines include department-wide umbrella policies and guidelines, operating agency specific guidelines, and administrative mechanisms to request correction of applicable information.

The Office of Science and Data Policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) manages the Information Quality process in HHS. ASPE manages the development and implementation of the HHS Guidelines and the formal complaint mechanism. ASPE also oversees the HHS information quality website and serves as a resource to HHS agencies and offices in the development of an information quality response.

Effective Date: The quality review procedures described in the HHS Guidelines apply to information disseminated by HHS agencies on or after October 1, 2002. The administrative correction mechanisms outlined in the guidelines apply to information disseminated by HHS agencies on or after October 1, 2002 regardless of when it was first disseminated.

The purposes of the Guidelines are to provide policy and procedural guidance to agency staff, and to inform the public about agency policies and procedures. HHS views the guidelines as an evolving document and process. HHS will continually review the performance of the guidelines in the context of agency statutes and missions and will make revisions to the guidelines as necessary.

Information Quality Guidance: