
Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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DC Government Retirement Plans

Managed by the Office of Finance and Treasury (OFT), the following are retirement plans made available to District government employees. Use the links below to learn about plan eligibility, investment options, and contact information.

Plan, Benefits and Contact

  • 401(a) Retirement Plan: After one year of creditable service, the District government will contribute an amount equal to 5 percent of annual base salary, 5.5 percent for Corrections Officers, to a pension account in the employee's name. For more information, call Rodney D. Dickerson, (202) 727-0107.

401(a) Audit Financial Statement: Fiscal Year 2017

  • 457 Deferred Compensation Plan: District employees may make pre-tax and/or Roth after-tax contributions from their salary to the plan for their retirement. For more information, call Merzie W. Davis, (202) 727-2778.

457 Audit Financial Statement: Fiscal Year 2017

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