Comments or Complaints About the CPUC

Comment Form

Do you have a comment or complaint about the CPUC? Please tell us what you think using the online comment form below. You can comment anonymously, or submit your contact information.  Your comments (NOT your contact information, if submitted) will be publicly available on our website.

Your comment or complaint will be sent to our Public Advisor, who will either respond directly to you or determine who from the CPUC can best respond. 

This comment page is solely for comments or complaints related to the CPUC.  If you have a complaint against a regulated entity, such as your energy company or a passenger carrier or moving company, or if you are a whistleblower, please see our File a Complaint page to submit complaints.


* = optional

Name (First & Last)*:
Phone Number*:
Home City*:
Email Address*:
Affiliation, if any*:
(please do not include any personally identifiable information in your comments)
Comments submitted will be posted weekly. View the comments.


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