At the direction of the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) strives to coordinate higher education policy that fosters a quality postsecondary system, as well as to increase participation in Missouri 's public institutions. The state system of higher education serves more than 450,000 students through 13 public four-year universities, 14 public two-year colleges, one public two-year technical college, 26 independent colleges and universities and more than 150 proprietary and private career schools.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Identification of statewide planning for higher education (including independent institutions)
  • Evaluation of student and institutional performance
  • Review of institutional missions
  • Development of specialization among institutions
  • Submission of a unified budget request for public higher education to the governor and the Missouri General Assembly
  • Administration of a state­wide postsecondary technical education program
  • Establishment of guidelines to promote student transfer among institutions
  • Approval of new degree programs offered by public colleges and universities
  • Administration of the Proprietary School Certification Program
  • Policy setting for and administration of student financial assistance programs


During academic year 2013-2014, the MDHE provided $107 million in state-based student financial assistance to more than 70,000 students.

In addition to its primary responsibilities, the MDHE has served as a guaranty agency within the Federal Family Education Loan Program since 1979 and is one of 32 guarantors operating nationwide. The federal Healthcare and Education Affordability Act of 2010 eliminated the ability of FFELP guarantors to originate new loans as of July 1, 2010. The MDHE does still service and maintain its existing portfolio of loans guaranteed prior to July 1, 2010. As part of its responsibility as a FFELP student loan guarantor, the MDHE provides numerous programs to help Missouri students access and succeed in postsecondary education.

The Missouri Department of Higher Education and the Coordinating Board for Higher Education are included in Chapter 173 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.