Academic Program Review Report

In 2010, MDHE undertook a review of the complete academic program inventory at each of the state's four-year and two-year public institutions of higher education.

Campus Security

A resource about security on higher education campuses.


Certified School Strategic Initiative

The Certified School Strategic Initiative is working to create an additional resource regarding program outcomes at schools certified to operate by the MDHE and highlight worthy instructional program performance at those schools.

Committee on Curriculum and Assessment

The Committee on Curriculum and Assessment was developed by merging the CAI and LAMP initiatives and addresses the alignment of competencies and assessments across educational sectors.

Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42)

CORE 42 is a block of at least 42 credit hours that will transfer as equivalent credit at all public colleges and universities in Missouri. The CORE 42 curriculum will fulfill the general education requirements for many degree programs offered in Missouri.


Facility Review

The Missouri Department of Higher Education is conducting a facility review of the state’s public higher education institutions.

15 to Finish

The 15 to Finish initiative encourages full-time college students to take at least 15 credit hours a semester to put them on track to earn an associate degree in two years or a bachelor's degree in four years.

Higher Education System Review

The Higher Education System Review focuses on how effectively Missouri's colleges and universities are meeting the state's higher education needs.

Missouri's Big Goal

By 2020, approximately 66 percent of all jobs in Missouri will require some form of postsecondary education – a professional certificate or a two-year, four-year or advanced degree. The state has set a goal – Missouri’s Big Goal – for 60 percent of adults to have a certificate or degree by 2025.


A workforce initiative designed to target state and regional workforce needs.


P-20 Initiatives in Higher Education

Connect educational systems for increased student performance, greater efficiency, improved outcomes, and smoother pathways throughout a student's career.



Improving education and supporting development of industry in the critical science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.


Talent for Tomorrow

A joint initiative with the Missouri Department of Economic Development and the Hawthorn Foundation that seeks to fundamentally reset Missouri’s approach to meeting the state’s workforce needs.