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The NINR Innovative Questions (IQ) Initiative

Innovative Questions - Pointing the Way Forward for Nursing Science

NINR’s Innovative Questions, or IQ, initiative was designed to develop lists of creative and results-oriented research questions that could assist in guiding future research directions in nursing science. NINR is pleased to provide the scientific community with the innovative questions that were developed as a result of the IQ initiative.

By clicking on the links below, you will find the questions organized by topic area. The questions emanated from the discussions at a series of workshops hosted by NINR and from input provided through a public website. NINR extends its sincere appreciation to the individuals who participated in the workshops, as well as those who took time to submit questions and comments to the public website. It is our hope that these questions will serve as a valuable resource to the entire nurse scientist community, from experienced investigators to trainees, in considering future directions for their own programs of research.  These questions will also serve to provide the larger community with a better understanding of the potential and importance of nursing science.

Links to Questions (organized by topic area):

Background on the NINR IQ Initiative

In November, 2013 NINR launched the Innovative Questions (IQ) initiative. Inspired by similar successful efforts at NIH and other organizations, the goal of the IQ initiative was to initiate a dialogue with NINR stakeholders to identify novel scientific questions.  NINR sought thoughts and ideas that would encourage new thinking and creativity in nursing science, explore unanswered questions, promote results-oriented research, and guide the science over the next 5 to 10 years.

The IQ initiative consisted of two components, a series of workshops, and a public website.

IQ Workshop Series

The IQ Workshops brought together leading scientists and interdisciplinary experts to identify and refine innovative research questions through a consensus-building, discussion format. The workshops were held in Bethesda, Maryland in 2013 and 2014:

  • Symptom Science: Promoting Personalized Health Strategies – (November 2013) Roster
  • Wellness: Promoting Personalized Health Strategies – (January 2014) Roster
  • Self-Management: Improving Quality of Life for Individuals with Chronic Illness -- (March 2014) Roster
  • End-of-Life and Palliative Care: The Science of Compassion  -- (May 2014) Roster
  • Promoting Innovation: Technology to Improve Health -- (June 2014) Roster

IQ Public Website

On NINR’s IQ website, members of the scientific community, professional organizations, and the general public were given the opportunity submit innovative research questions directly to NINR, and to comment on questions submitted by others. The public input phase of the IQ initiative has now concluded. We thank everyone who provided input through the website. The questions and comments we received will inform our thinking as we consider future research directions.

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