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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Enforcement Investigations

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EPAct 2005 increased both the Commission's jurisdiction and its penalty authority, thereby increasing the importance of the Commission's enforcement program.

The Commission's regulations allow Enforcement staff to conduct investigations relating to any matter subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. The investigative staff initiates investigations from information received through a variety of sources, both internal and external. Internally, information is received from the Division Analytics and Surveillance or other Commission offices, or from the Commission itself, or in the course of another investigation. Externally, information may be received from:

All information and documentation received during an investigation, as well as the existence of an investigation, is treated as non-public external (only the Commission can authorize the public disclosure of the existence of an investigation or information obtained during an investigation).

More information regarding investigations may be found in the annual staff Reports on Enforcement, which are issued in the last quarter of each calendar year. These annual reports highlight significant investigations, including those that have proceeded to Commission Orders to Show Cause and those litigated in Federal District Court. They also provide descriptions and statistics on settlements, self-reports, investigations, and Hotline matters for the relevant fiscal year.

Our Enforcement Resources page provides a comprehensive list and links to statutes, regulations, Commission orders and policy statements, and staff reports relevant to how the Office of Enforcement conducts its investigations.