• Consumer Affairs Branch - Utility Complaints Portal

    The complaints portal of the CPUC’s Consumer Affairs Branch (CAB) exists to assist consumers in resolving disputes involving their regulated utility providers.  Our team of specialized caseworkers will work with you to determine the facts of each case and then interact with the utilities to attempt to resolve any and all problems.  We process thousands of complaints each year and can play a constructive role in mediating difficult issues.  To submit a complaint, please follow the steps outlined below.
  • How to file a complaint 

    Please follow the three step process outlined below if you have a complaint or inquiry about your utility provider.

  •    STEP 1: Contact Your Utility Provider

    Before contacting the CPUC, we recommend that you give your utility provider an opportunity to resolve your complaint by contacting their customer service department.  To get the best results from contacting your utility provider, please review the information in the link below.  
  •    STEP 2: Prepare to Contact Us

    If your utility provider is unable to resolve your dispute, or if you are dissatisfied with the resolution, you may contact the CPUC for assistance. To obtain the best results from your interaction with us, we encourage you to review the information provided in the links below before you contact us.   
  •    STEP 3: Contact Us

    If you are already familiar with our complaint process filing your written complaint through the online portal is the fastest way to resolve your complaint. 
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    What CAB Can Do

    CAB's primary role is to answer questions and resolve informal complaints submitted by consumers against utility providers that are subject to CPUC authority.

    CAB receives these consumer contacts via phone and in writing. Written consumer contacts may be submitted via U.S. Mail, fax, or online. 


    How The Consumer Affairs Branch Can Help

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    What CAB Cannot Do

    The Consumer Affairs Branch cannot help in all situations as some services and fees are not regulated by the CPUC.

    CAB cannot directly assist consumers that have questions and complaints about utility providers regulated by the Federal, State or Local Governments.

    CAB cannot assist with non-regulated fees and services such as taxes and surcharges.

    Please refer to our resources page for dealing with not regulated-non jurisdictional issues for more information.


    Helpful Resources for Areas Not Regulated by the CPUC

  • Useful Information

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    California Lifeline Logo

    LifeLine Appeal Process

    Appeal a LifeLine Program participation denial

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    Resources to obtaining help with your utility bill