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Memorial Day 2016

"Today, and every day, let us remember the servicemen and women we have lost, and let us honor them by rededicating ourselves to strengthening our Nation's promise. With love, grace, and reflection, let us honor our fallen fellow Americans, known and unknown, who sacrificed their freedom to ensure our own."

President Barack Obama
Presidential Proclamation

News Stories

President Barack Obama delivering remarks at a podium.

Obama: Honor by Remembering Stories of the Fallen

President Obama marked his final Memorial Day as commander in chief by visiting Arlington National Cemetery, where placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns and addressed several thousand people in the Memorial Amphitheater. Story

Defense Secretary Ash Carter greeting a young guest.

Pentagon Embraces Military Family Members at Tragedy Survivors Event

Defense Secretary Ash Carter threw open the doors of the Pentagon to more than 350 members of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, commonly known as TAPS. Story

President Barack Obama bowing his head after laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

President Urges National Moment of Remembrance On Memorial Day

In issuing his Memorial Day proclamation, President Barack Obama urged all Americans to observe a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time on May 30. Story

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Sterling R. Cale, treasurer, Pearl Harbor Survivors Association Unit 1, saluting his fallen comrades in the rear of the USS Arizona Memorial.

4 Videos That Accurately Sum Up Memorial Day

To learn about Memorial Day traditions that honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, check out these videos of events that highlight the true meaning of the day. Blog