Is My Ancillary Study Considered a Clinical Trial?

It depends. Yes; if the ancillary study adds an additional prospectively assigned intervention to patients or a sub-population of patients within the larger clinical trial and all elements of the NIH clinical trial definition are met. No; if the ancillary study is only adding additional measures to an existing clinical trial. Continue reading

New Resources Available for Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH) Funding Opportunities

In November, NIH announced the publication of new funding opportunities specifically for Basic Experimental Studies Involving Humans (BESH). Need help determining if your research fits within the scope of a BESH funding opportunity announcement (FOA)? Check out these new resources. Continue reading

New “All About Grants” Podcast on Preparing for Private Investment

Wondering how to knock that investor pitch out of the park? In this next installment of the “All About Grants” podcast series, small business innovators will get a front row seat to hear how to prepare for private investment. Dr. Ethel Ruben, NIH’s Entrepreneur-In-Residence, steps up to the plate and shares insights on who these investors are, how they decide on what innovations to invest in the biomedical commercial space, and some valuable tips and tricks to improve the accuracy of your investor pitch. Continue reading

New Grant Application Submission Tips for Success Videos

Getting ready to apply for a grant and don’t know where to start? Set yourself up for success with tips from the experts at NIH. Quickly learn how to access application forms, ensure your application is a good fit for an announcement, and make an important final check of your application after submitting with new videos from the Office of Extramural Research (OER). Continue reading

Archived Protecting Human Research Participants (PHRP) Training and Alternative Courses Reminder

As announced in our previous blog post and policy notice, as of September 26, 2018, NIH is no longer able to offer its Protecting Human Research Participants (PHRP) course and does not plan to provide an alternative course. Although similar courses are available elsewhere, such courses are not affiliated with or endorsed by NIH. Continue reading

Your Grant Application Questions Answered in New NIH Center for Scientific Review Videos

Curious about how NIH grant applications are reviewed? Get a front row seat to the peer review process in this video created by the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR). Investigators will get insights into how applications are reviewed so they can better enhance and advance their applications in the NIH peer review process. Continue reading